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Back To: Court | Warrant List | Warrant Stats | Warrant Activity Summary | Warrant Activity Detail | Authenticated Access

The City of Shawnee Online Warrant records are provided by extracting needed data from the existing INCODE Municipal Court system using TranSoft SQL drivers. The data is stored in local Access database which provides Warrant tracking activity, warrant tracking job sheets and an extracted version of the Warrant data for displaying on the City of Shawnee web site. A custom application runs on a secondary system to extract and update the database on a preset schedule.

All data access pages are written in Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) in Visual Basic Script (VBScript) by webmaster and Systems Administrator Stephen W Nolen. The custom data extraction application is written in Visual Basic and uses the TransSoft SQL ODBC connector to obtain the data from the Incode Invision Court Product.

Updates and Changes

03/02/2004 - Stephen W Nolen

  • Added CLOSED date when displaying single person and OPEN status fields.

9/12/2003 - Stephen W Nolen

  • Added vehicle detail in main warrant list when detail is turned on per request