The Board of City Commissioners of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in Regular Session in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, Shawnee, Oklahoma, Tuesday, July 5, 2005 at 5:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law. Mayor Mills presided and called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following members were in attendance.
Chuck Mills
Tom Claybrook Tom Schrzan
Commissioner Ward 1 Commissioner Ward 2
AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Swearing in of Chris Harden, Ward IV Commissioner, by Municipal Judge Robert H. Jones.
Municipal Judge Robert H. Jones conducted a swearing-in-ceremony and administered the oath of office to former Mayor/Commissioner Chris Harden as the Ward IV City Commissioner. The seat was vacated by Dr. David Hadley in April and Mrs. Harden will serve to complete the expired term or until the next special election.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consider Approval of Consent Agenda.
a. Acknowledge the following report and minutes:
* Shawnee Community Center report from the month of May, 2005
* Civic and Cultural Development Authority minutes from the May 20, 2005 and June 6, 2005 meetings.
* Traffic Commission minutes from the April 26 and May 24, 2005 meetings.
b. Lakesite Lease Renewals:
Lot 5, Skipper Tract
Delores Jackson
20 Kiowa
Shawnee, OK 748804
Brian Jackson
300 Bluegrass
Edmond, OK 73003
Lot 7, Damron Tract
Allen & Dorothy McKean
3829 NW 44th
Okla. City, OK
c. Acknowledge Workers’ Compensation settlements with the following:
1) Joe Haese in the amount of $6,600.00
2) Billy Mitchell in the amount of $8,712.00
3) Dale Wiginton in the amount of $7,260.00
d. Acknowledge Financial Statements and Reports of Auditor from Shawnee Industrial Authority for year ended September 30, 2004.
e. Mayor’s Reappointments:
Shawnee Industrial Authority
Reappoint Richard Schroyer to a six-year term to expire 7/16/11
Reappoint Leonard Taron to a six-year term to expire 7/16/11
f. Approve resolutions renewing the lease purchase agreements for the Incode computer software and licenses and the 2004 75 foot aerial firetruck.
INCODE Financial Accounting Software
Resolution No. 6239 entitled “A resolution approving renewal of a certain lease agreement with BancFirst, Shawnee, Oklahoma.”
2004 E-1 4 door custom 75 foot aerial truck with Typhoon chassis
Resolution No. 6240 entitled “A resolution approving renewal of a certain lease agreement with the First National Bank and Trust Co., Chickasha, Oklahoma.”
g. Approve renewal of the following agreements for FY 2005-2006
1) Independent School District No. 93 for maintenance of tennis courts.
2) Pottawatomie County District Court to establish, develop and implement programs for juvenile misdemeanor offenders.
3) Gordon Cooper Technology Center District No. 5 to provide for repaving and repair of public roadways and parking lots used by students, faculty, employees and patrons of GCTC.
4) Project H.E.A.R.T. for operation space and utility service.
5) Independent School District No. 93 for placement of police officers in schools for increased security.
6) Hope House to provide juvenile services.
7) South Central Industries to provide clean-up of city parks and park restrooms.
h. Recommendations from the Traffic Commission from the May 24, 2005 meeting:
(1) Request from Kyla Custar, 33308 Pecan Grove Road, to install a 3-way stop at the T-intersection of Lake Dam #2 Road and Pecan Grove Road. (Cont. from previous meeting)
Recommendation: To approve request with advance warnings.
(2) Request from resident to remove the stop signs at the railroad tracks on 45th Street.
Recommendation: To uphold the 4-5-99 City Commission approval of installing flashing railroad crossing signals; stop signs will be removed at that time.
(3) Request from Gary Solomon, 2224 N. Chapman, to allow parking tractor-trailer rigs in the owner’s driveway and/or yard.
Recommendation: To defer request to the next meeting.
(4) Request from Gary Solomon, 2224 N. Chapman, to designate a lit gravel/paved lot area for tractor-trailer rig parking.
Recommendation: To defer request to the next meeting.
(5) Request from Bill Ford, Shawnee Milling Company, 201 S. Broadway, to install speed control on Broadway Street to reduce danger to their employees.
Recommendation: To defer request to the next meeting.
(6) Request from Maureen Dale, 1445 N. Park, to install a stop sign at Park and Independence streets.
Recommendation: To deny request.
(7) Request from Patty Westfall, 3305 Monticello Ct., to install a street security lamp at the cul-de-sac.
Recommendation: To approve request.
i. Acknowledge 15th anniversary gift from Nikaho, Japan, the “Kanto Festival”, an Akita Silver Craft.
Before voting on the Consent Agenda, items 3g (4), 3h (2), and 3(i) were pulled for separate consideration.
A motion was made by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Claybrook, to approve the Consent Agenda less items 3g (4), 3h (2), and 3(i). Motion carried.
AYE: Downing, Claybrook, Schrzan, O’Neal, Mills, Harden
NAY: None
Thereupon Mayor Mills declared Resolution Nos. 6239 and 6240 duly passed and adopted.
Under 3g (4), a motion was made by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Claybrook, to approve the renewal agreement with Project H.E.A.R.T. for operation of space and utility service. Motion carried.
AYE: Downing, Claybrook, Schrzan, O’Neal, Mills
NAY: None
Under 3h(2), Assistant City Engineer Rex Hennen reported that staff was in the process of contacting the railroad company to get costs for the flashing lights.
A motion was made by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Schrzan, to accept the Traffic and Transportation Commission’s recommendation to leave the stop signs in place at the railroad tracks on 45th Street until costs are obtained to install the flashing
Under 1 (i), Mayor Mills showed a gift that was presented to the City of Shawnee from the Town of Nikaho during its delegation’s visit to Shawnee last week in celebration of the 15 year anniversary as sister cities.
A motion was made by Commissioner Claybrook, seconded by Commissioner O’neal, to accept the gift, “Kanto Festival”, an Akita Silver Craft, from Sister City Nikaho, Japan. Motion carried.
AYE: Claybrook, O’Neal, Mills, Harden, Downing, Schrzan
NAY: None
AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Presentation of certificates of appreciation to the following.
Police Chief Mike Chitwood presented certificates of appreciation to the following for their donations of the following items to be used by the Police Department.
a. Town of Meeker for $2,500.00 donation to police gun range
Police Chief Don Conner of the Town of Meeker accepted the certificate of appreciation.
Police Chief Chitwood spoke of using the range as a training facility for law enforcement personnel in the area.
b. Shawnee Housing Authority for the donation of two Canondale bicycles for police bike patrol program
Mr. Harvey Valentine accepted the certificate on behalf of Shawnee Housing Authority. The bicycles are valued at $1,700 each.
c. Wal-Mart for a $1,000.00 donation to police tactical team
Mr. Greg Bell accepted on behalf of Wal-Mart. The funds will be used to purchase equipment for the tactical team.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Appearance by Jessie Genn representing Riders and Skaters of Shawnee regarding skate park.
Ms. Jessie Genn representing Riders and Skaters of Shawnee appeared before the Commission to give an update on the summer meetings and the group’s plan to collect donations and pledges for support of the skate park when a decision on the location has been.
She announced that a public meeting will be held on skate park planning at 6:30 p.m., July 12, 2005 at the Shawnee YMCA, 700 West Saratoga.
Next, Billy Brashears, skaters youth representative, presented a red skate board without the wheels, called a “deck, ” to the Commission.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Presentation by Gordona Rowell, Convention and Visitors Bureau, of proposed budget and marketing plan for FY July 1, 2005 – December 31, 2005.
Ms. Gordona Rowell, Director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau, (CVB), presented the 2005 Annual Report (July-December).
She noted that with the recent passage of the ordinance relating to lodging surcharge requirements, it has increased the budget to allow for more dollars for marketing of the Shawnee greater area.
Ms. Rowell gave an overview of the marketing plan, budget, and research study.
She stated the CVB is moving to a calendar year budget.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Consider jail agreement with Pottawatomie County Safety Center. (Continued from 6/20/05)
A motion was made by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner O’Neal, to accept Police Chief Chitwood’s recommendation to defer the jail agreement to the next meeting. Motion carried.
AYE: Downing, O’Neal, Mills, Claybrook, Schrzan, Harden
NAY: None
AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Consider an ordinance calling for the holding of a special non-partisan general and general run-off election in the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma for the purpose of electing a candidate for the unexpired term of the office City Commission of the fourth ward. (Deferred from 6/20/05)
Ordinance No. 2210NS was introduced and the title read aloud.
Ordinance No. 2210NS entitled “An ordinance calling and providing for the holding of a special nonpartisan general and general runoff election in the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma, for the purpose of nominating and electing candidates for the unexpired term of the office of city commissioner of the fourth ward; establishing a filing period and qualifications for such office; designating the manner of electing the city office named herein; providing for said election to be conducted by the Pottawatomie County Election Board; providing for voting by absentee ballot; and declaring an emergency.”
A motion was made by Commissioner Claybrook, seconded by Commissioner Downing, that the title and Sections 1-5 be approved. Motion carried.
AYE: Claybrook, Downing, Schrzan, O’Neal, Mills, Harden
NAY: None
A motion was made by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Claybrook, that Section 6, the emergency clause, be approved. Motion carried.
AYE: Downing, Claybrook, Schrzan, O’Neal, Mills, Claybrook
NAY: None
Thereupon Mayor Mills declared Ordinance No. 2210NS duly passed and adopted.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Consider a resolution approving the project agreement for the MacArthur Street Project.
Resolution No. 6241 was introduced and the title read aloud.
Resolution No. 6241 entitled “A resolution approving the execution of a certain project agreement between the City of Shawnee and the Department of Transportation of the State of Oklahoma in connection with project agreement for Federal Aid Project Number STPY-163C(079)UR.”
A motion was made by Commissioner Claybrook, seconded by Commissioner Schrzan, that the Title and Resolution be approved. Motion carried.
AYE: Claybrook, Schrzan, O’Neal, Mills, Harden, Downing
NAY: None
Thereupon Mayor Mills declared Resolution No. 6241 duly passed and adopted.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Consider Bids.
a. Shawnee Regional Airport Pavement Repair (Award)
A motion was made by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner Schrzan, to award the bid for the Shawnee Regional Airport Pavement Repair to Blaco Construction, LLC, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the total amount of $293,852.00 as the lowest and best bid. Motion carried.
AYE: Downing, Schrzan, O’Neal, Mills, Harden, Downing
NAY: None
b. One Articulating/Telescoping Aerial Device with Cab & Chassis (Award)
A motion was made by Commissioner Claybrook, seconded by Commissioner Downing, to award the bid for one articulating/telescoping aerial device with cab and chassis to Terex Utilities South, North Little Rock, Arkansas, in the amount of $100,230.00 with warranties as the lowest and best bid. Motion carried.
AYE: Claybrook, Downing, Schrzan, O’Neal, Mills, Harden
NAY: None
AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: New Business. (Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting agenda)
There was no New Business to be considered.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Administrative Reports.
Under Administrative Reports, City Clerk Diana Hallock advised the Commission that due to a misprint on the recent water bills that were sent to customers, the actual due date was July 20th and not July 6th as printed and she requested help from the newspapers to note this in the paper.
Utility Director Afsaneh Jabbar reported that for the last three weeks water was being used from the Wes Watkins Reservoir.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Citizens Participation. (A five minute limit per person) (A fifteen minute limit per topic)
There was no Citizens Participation.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 14: Commissioners Comments.
Under Commissioners Comments, Commissioner Schrzan requested to place items on the next City Commission meeting agenda to discuss replacing portions of Resolution No. 5924 relating to term limits for boards and committees; and amendments to Chapter 2 of the Code, Section 2-37, appointment of committees.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 15: Adjournment.
There being no further business to be considered, a motion was made by Commissioner Downing, seconded by Commissioner O’Neal, that the
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