City of Shawnee Document
AGENDA BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OCTOBER 4, 2004 AT 5:30 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA CALL TO ORDER DECLARATION OF A QUORUM INVOCATION Reverend Jimmie Don Gibson Calvary Baptist Church FLAG SALUTE 1. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge staff will proceed in the instant meeting with the opening and consideration of bids as set forth in Agenda Item No. 8. b. Minutes of the September 20, 2004 meeting. c. Acknowledge the following reports and minutes: * Shawnee Urban Renewal Authority minutes from the September 8, 2004 meeting. * Civic and Cultural Authority minutes from the August, 19, 2004 meeting d. Lakesite Lease Renewals: Lot 6, Roewe Tract Carl & Virginia Nowlin 3011 NW Grand Oklahoma City, OK Lot 8, Roewe Tract Michael & Terri Johnson 1943 N. Louisa Shawnee, OK e. Approve application for distribution from Oklahoma Municipal Retirement System for LeeAnn Wingo. 2. Mayor’s Proclamation and Presentation: “Sister Cities Days” October 13 – 18, 2004 Presentation of Resolution of Appreciation to LeeAnn Wingo for over 32 years of loyal service to the City of Shawnee. 3. Presentation of United Way Day of Caring Certificate from Susan Morris and United Way Gold Award from Audrey Seeliger. 4. Consider a resolution supporting Preserve America’s goals and interests relating to historic preservation in our community. 5. Consider a contract with Shawnee Public Schools for repair and maintenance of parking lot. 6. Presentation by staff and consider lifting voluntary water rationing. 7. Discussion and consider action regarding installation of traffic signal at State Highway 18 and Bell Street. 8. Consider Bids: a. Audit Services (award) b. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus and Appliances, and Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Fit Testing Machine. (Open) 9. New Business (Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting agenda) 10. Administrative Reports 11. Citizens Participation (A five minute limit per person) (A fifteen minute limit per topic) 12. Commissioners Comments 13. Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Diana Hallock, CMC City Clerk AGENDA SHAWNEE AIRPORT AUTHORITY OCTOBER 4, 2004 AT 5:30 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA 1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of a Quorum 3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda * Minutes of the September 20, 2004 meeting Pgs. 1-2 4. Administrative Reports 5. New Business 6. Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Diana Hallock Authority Secretary AGENDA SHAWNEE MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY OCTOBER 4, 2004 AT 5:30 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA 1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of a Quorum 3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda * Minutes of September 20, 2004 meeting Pgs. 1-2 4. Administrative Reports 5. New Business 6. Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Diana Hallock Authority Secretary ![]() NOTICE: This is NOT an official document. All official documents are maintained by the Shawnee City Clerk at Shawnee City Hall. This document is provided as a public information device. Please contact City Hall at 405-878-1604 for official documents. |