City of Shawnee Document
![]() Full PDF Packet Here BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS MARCH 2, 2015 AT 6:30 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA CALL TO ORDER DECLARATION OF A QUORUM INVOCATION FLAG SALUTE All motions will be made in the affirmative. The fact that a commissioner makes or offers a second to a motion does not mean that the commissioner must vote in favor of passage. 1. Consider approval of Consent Agenda: a. Minutes from the February 17, 2015 regular meeting. b. Authorize staff to solicit Request for Qualifications for engineering of the Municipal Auditorium Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. c. Budget amendment – General Fund Purchase of Property Located at 227 North Broadway, Shawnee, Oklahoma d. Lake Lease Renewals: RENEWALS •Lot 6 Johnston Tract, 16708 Magnino Road Lessee: Kelly & Janita Davis •Lot 3 Mosler Tract, 16404 Archery Range Road Lessee: Link Cowen 2. Citizens Participation (A three minute limit per person) (A twelve minute limit per topic) 3. Presentation by City Manager to Employee of the Month, Jared Cooper, Planning Department. 4. Mayor’s Proclamations: “Red Cross Month” March 2015 “Severe Weather Preparedness Week” March 1-7, 2015 5. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding Oklahoma Gas & & Electric’s (OG&E) proposal to provide lighting around the Shawnee Airport Trail. 6. New Business (Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the posting of the agenda.) 7. Commissioners Comments 8. Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Loftis, CMC, City Clerk ![]() NOTICE: This is NOT an official document. All official documents are maintained by the Shawnee City Clerk at Shawnee City Hall. This document is provided as a public information device. Please contact City Hall at 405-878-1604 for official documents. |