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Date: 3/19/2001Board: City CommissionDocumentType: AgendaWeb Posted: 3/15/2001 5:38:00 PM

MARCH 19, 2001 AT 7:30 P. M.



INVOCATION Reverend Glen Pence
Hospice of Shawnee


1. a. Declaring a vacancy in Ward 4 of the Shawnee City

b. Authorization to advertise for applications regarding vacancy in Ward 4 of the Shawnee City Commission

2. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:

a. Minutes of March 5, 2001 meeting

b. Transfers of Appropriations in General Fund and Shawnee Municipal Authority.

c. Acknowledge the following reports and minutes:

* Budget Status Report as of February 28, 2001

* Treasurer Report for the City of Shawnee Sales Tax Receipts for the month of March, 2001

* Treasurer Report for the City of Shawnee General Fund Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the month of February, 2001

* Treasurer Report for the City of Shawnee Municipal Authority Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the month of February, 2001

* Treasurer Report for the Shawnee Municipal Authority Analysis of Collections for Water and Sewer for the month of February, 2001

* Utility Division Report for the month of February, 2001

* City Clerk Collection Report for month of February, 2001

* Building Inspector Report for the month of February, 2001

* Shawnee Community Center report for the month of February, 2001

* Shawnee Urban Renewal Authority minutes of February 21, 2001 meeting

* Traffic and Transportation Commission minutes of November 28, 2000 meeting

* Shawnee Airport Advisory Board minutes of December 6, 2000 meeting

* Citizen Advisory Committee minutes of November 29, 2000 meeting

d. Approve resolutions of appreciation to firemen Mike Littrell and Richard Campbell for more than 25 years of loyal service to the City of Shawnee.

e. Request authorization to advertise for bids on the Lake Road Bridge Deck Repair Project.

f. Request authorization to purchase and installation of spill containment equipment for the Shawnee Municipal Airport.

g. Mayor’s Appointment of Nancy Ford to the Shawnee Beautification Committee.

h. Recommendations from Traffic and Transportation Commission of the February 27, 2001 meeting:

1) Consider request from Mr. James Cole, to place 4-way stop signs with crosswalks at the intersection of Wayne and Center Streets.

Recommendation: To approve request.

2) Consider request from Mr. Robert Rimer to place “Playground” signs for the new park at Wayne and Center Streets.

Recommendation: To approve request and to consider placing signs at other city parks.

3) Consider request from Reverend Larry Sparks of New Beginnings Church, 1203 E. 42nd Street, for a street light at the corner of Harrison and 42nd Streets.

Recommendation: To deny request.

4) Consider request from Mr. Ronald Gillham, 667 N. Louisa Street, to change the current ordinance and signs stating “No Parking” on the south side of the 300 block of West Dewey to the north side.

Recommendation: To approve request.

5) Consider request from Ms. Carol Williams, an employee of Wilson School, 1830 N. Beard, to place “No Parking Bus Loading Zone” signs on Emmitt Street from Beard Street west 125 feet on the south side.

Recommendation: To approve request.

6) Consider request from Mr. Ken Doyle, P.O. Box 3427, for a “No Parking” sign on North Tennessee from the corner of Main Street 150 feet north on the east side.

Recommendation: To approve request.

3. City Manager’s Presentation:

Award to “Employee of the Month”

4. Mayor’s Proclamations:

“International Demolay Month”
March, 2001

“Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Month”
March, 2001

“Shawnee Redbud Festival Day”
March 24, 2001

“Fair Housing Month”
April, 2001

“Equal Pay Day”
April 3, 2001

5. Public hearing and consider a resolution creating Granada Estates/Tanglewood/Coronado Terrace/Cedar Creek Water Improve-ment District and determining sufficiency of protests.

6. Consider an ordinance amending parking within the City of Shawnee as follows:

a. Change from no parking on the south side of the 300 block of West Dewey to the north side

b. No parking on the south side of Emmitt Street from Beard Street west 125 feet

c. No parking on the east side of North Tennessee Street from Main Street north 150 feet

7. Consider Updated Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. (Deferred from 3/5/01 meeting)

8. Consider request from Don Reynolds of Potawatomi Nation concerning utility permit.

9. Consider request from REACT Ambulance Authority for City Commission consent to assign REACT’s interest in airport lease to BancFirst.

10. Consider extending the contract with BFI for next fiscal year for solid waste disposal.

11. Consider recommendation from the Airport Advisory Board to advertise for bids for Shawnee Municipal airport policy for general and product liability.

12. Consider contracting with Fagin, Brown, Bush, Tinney & Kiser as bond counsel for capital improvements project package.

13. Consider awarding proposals regarding annual audit and consulting services. (Deferred from 3/5/01 meeting)

14. New Business (Any matter not known about or which
could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting agenda)

15. Administrative Reports

16. Citizens Participation (A five minute limit per person)
(A fifteen minute limit per topic)

17. Commissioners’ Comments

18. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Hallock, CMC
City Clerk


MARCH 19, 2001 AT 7:30 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Declaration of a Quorum

3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda

* Minutes of March 5, 2001 meeting Pgs. 1-2

4. Administrative Report

5. New Business

6. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Hallock
Authority Secretary


MARCH 19, 2001 AT 7:30 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Declaration of a Quorum

3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda

a. Minutes of March 5, 2001 meeting Pgs. 1-2

b. Confirm action taken under City Commission Agenda Item No. 2(f) regarding authorization to purchase and installation of spill containment equipment.

c. Confirm action taken under City Commission Agenda Item No. 9 concerning approval to REACT Ambulance Authority to assign interest in airport lease to BancFirst.

d. Confirm action taken under City Commission Agenda Item No. 11 concerning the advertisement for bids for Shawnee Municipal Airport policy for general and product liability.

4. Administrative Reports

5. New Business

6. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Hallock
Authority Secretary

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