City of Shawnee Document
![]() Full PDF Packet Here SHAWNEE MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY May 6, 2013 AT 6:30 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA CALL TO ORDE R DECLARATION OF A QUORUM 1. Consider approval of Consent Agenda: a. Minutes from the April 15, 2013 meeting. b. Approve agreement between Pottawatomie County Development Authority and Shawnee Municipal Authority for personnel services. 2. Consider Bids: a. Water Meters and Vault Structure Project Contract No. SMA-13-06 (Open) 3. New Business (Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the posting of the agenda) 4. Administrative Reports 5. Discussion, consideration and possible action to go into Executive Session for discussion in accordance with 25 O.S. §307B(3), purchase or appraisal of real property. 6. Consider matters discussed in Executive Session in accordance with 25 O.S. §307B(3),purchase or appraisal of real property. 7. Adjournment Respectfully submitted Phyllis Loftis, CMC, City Clerk ![]() NOTICE: This is NOT an official document. All official documents are maintained by the Shawnee City Clerk at Shawnee City Hall. This document is provided as a public information device. Please contact City Hall at 405-878-1604 for official documents. |