City of Shawnee Document
![]() Full PDF Packet Here BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS February 4, 2013 AT 6:30 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA CALL TO ORDER DECLARATION OF A QUORUM INVOCATION FLAG SALUTE 1. Consider approval of Agenda: 2. Consider approval of Consent Agenda: a. Minutes from the January 22, 2013 regular meeting and January 28, 2013 special called meeting. b. Acknowledge the following minutes: • Traffic Commission minutes from October 23, 2012 c. Accept deed from Greater Shawnee Area Chamber of Commerce for Lots Five (5) and Six (6), YAHGNEE ADDITION, PHASE 1, a subdivision of a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section 32, Township 11 North, Range 4 East of the Indian Meridian, subject to existing zoning ordinances, rights-of-ways, encroachments that a survey may reveal and easements of record and less and except all oil, gas and minerals and oil, gas and mineral rights therein and thereunder; to the City of Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma. d. Budget Schedule for 2013-2014 e. Acknowledge Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund refund of contributions from the Defined Contribution plan for Amanda Clayton. f. Authorize the purchase of ProPatch Asphalt Equipment and Truck & Chassis. g. Mayor’s appointments: Shawnee Housing Authority Sherry Lankford 1st Full Term Expires February 4, 2016 Replaces Chris Waddell – declining re-appointment due to time Lauri Fluke 2nd Full Term Expires February 4, 2016 Re-appointment Shawnee Airport Advisory Board Will Smallwood 1st Partial Term Expires July 1, 2014 Will Smallwood 1st Partial Term Expires July 1, 2014 Replaces Dick Romine Termed out July 1, 2011 3. Citizens Participation (A three minute limit per person) (A twelve minute limit per topic) 4. Report from Shawnee Area Chamber of Commerce on Operations of CVB with discussion, consideration and possible action regarding interim budget to cover the period to June 30, 2013. 5. Discussion, consideration and possible action to appoint insurance committee to consist of 3 commissioners and 2 staff members to review City’s contracts with consultants and insurance providers and make recommendations to full commission for any changes. Committee would have authority to request proposals for all insurance related services. 6. Discussion, consideration and possible action on Rita Knight-Taber’s appeal of Administrative Hearing Officer’s order on January 10, 2013, to remove all structures from five lots, including all concrete footings and the cellar, located at 915 E. Hayes. 7. Public hearing and consideration of de-annexation of a 20-acre parcel located approximately 2,000 feet west of Walker Road on the south side of Homer Lane. 8. Consideration of an ordinance de-annexing a 20 acre parcel located near Walker Road and Homer Lane. 9. Presentation by Gateway to Prevention and Recovery on Healthly Community Grant requirements. 10. Consider a resolution urging Oklahoma State Legislature to authorize municipalities to enact local tobacco regulations. 11. Consider an ordinance prohibiting advertising of alcohol and tobacco products at city sponsored events and in city publications. 12. Consider contract with Larkin Aquatics for design and engineering of the Shawnee Municipal Pool. 13. Consider a resolution declaring certain items of personal property, furniture and equipment from the Shawnee Public Library no longer needed by the City of Shawnee and authorizing certain items be donated to public schools and other public libraries and the sale of the remaining items. 14. Discussion, consideration and possible action accepting donation of real property located within the City of Shawnee for future training facility for the Fire Department. 15. Consider Bids: a. Bell Street Sidewalk Project Contract No. COS-PW-12-03 (Award) 16. New Business (Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the posting of the agenda) 17. Administrative Reports 18. Commissioners Comments RECESS COMMISSION TO CONVENE SHAWNEE MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY AND SHAWNEE AIRPORT AUTHORITY RECONVENE 19. Consider an Executive Session to discuss potential claims, litigation or other options regarding encroachment into City’s utility service area by other entities as authorized by 25 O.S. §307(B)(4). 20. Consider matters discussed in Executive Session regarding discuss potential claims, litigation or other options regarding encroachment into City’s utility service area by other entities as authorized by 25 O.S. §307(B)(4). 21. Adjournment Respectfully submitted Donna Mayo, Deputy City Clerk The City of Shawnee encourages participation from its citizens in public meetings. If participation is not possible due to a disability, notify the City Clerk, in writing, at least forty-eight hours prior to the scheduled meeting and necessary accommodatons will be made. (ADA 28 CFR/36) ![]() NOTICE: This is NOT an official document. All official documents are maintained by the Shawnee City Clerk at Shawnee City Hall. This document is provided as a public information device. Please contact City Hall at 405-878-1604 for official documents. |