City of Shawnee Document
BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS APRIL 6, 1998 AT 7:30 P. M. The Board of City Commissioners of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in Regular Session in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, Shawnee, Oklahoma, Monday, April 6, 1998 at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law. Mayor Harden presided and called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following members were in attendance. Chris Harden Mayor-Commissioner Ward 4 George D. Snider Ronald A. Gillham, Sr. Commissioner Ward 1 Commissioner Ward 2 Carl E. Young Arnold Davis Commissioner Ward 3 Commissioner Ward 5 Bob Downing Commissioner Ward 6-Vice Mayor INVOCATION Reverend Max Shumake First Presbyterian Church FLAG SALUTE Mayor Harden AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. a. Acknowledge staff will proceed in the instant meeting with opening and consideration of bids as set forth in Agenda Item No. 13 b. Minutes of March 16, 1998 meeting c. Budget Amendment for FY 1997-98 in Gifts and Contribution and CDBG Entitlement 97 Fund d. Acknowledge the following reports and minutes: * City Clerk Collection Report for the month of March 1998 * Building Inspector Report for the month of March 1998 * Planning Commission minutes of February 25 and March 18, 1998 meetings * Shawnee Urban Renewal Authority minutes of March 3, 1998 meeting * Traffic and Transportation Commission minutes of February 24, 1998 meeting * Shawnee Public Transportation Committee minutes of March 24, 1998 meeting e. Lakesite Lease Transfer Lot 4, Eckel Tract Fr: Sandra Watson/ To: Bobby & Jenelle Cox Carole Head 6815 Hwy 177 619 N. Kickapoo Shawnee, OK Shawnee, OK f. Recommendations from the Traffic and Transportation Commission meeting of March 24, 1998: 1) Reconsider request from Mrs. Pam Garcia, 1211 North Pesotum, for stop signs to be placed on Pesotum at Chandler. (Request was deferred from February 24, 1998 meeting in order to conduct a traffic count) Recommendation: To deny request. 2) Request from Dr. Don Mace, 1417 East Bradley, for stop signs at the corner of Bradley and Elm Street. Recommendation: To defer request until the next scheduled meeting to allow police surveillance for speed and traffic count on Bradley from Center to Bryan Street. Staff also will be investigating on warrants for double striping Bradley Street. 3) Request from Mrs. Darinda Cottman, 504 North Ione, for a street light on West Highland where it curves into Bonita. Recommendation: To install directional chevrons for identifying curve line along West Highland Street; also staff to investigate warrants for installment of “Curve Ahead Advanced Warning” signs to be posted. 4) Request from Mr. Glen Jackson, 201 West Federal, for a street light on the southeast corner of Federal and Market. Recommendation: To approve request. g. Acknowledge John Colomb’s letter of resignation from the Shawnee Airport Advisory Board of Directors. h. Authorize staff to advertise for bids for the Ninth Street (Harrison to Shawnee) proposed curb and gutter. i. Approve amendment to the parks maintenance contract with South Central Industries for an increase in monthly cost to $1,825.00. j. Approve extension of contract with Sedgwick (Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group) OMAG for Workers’ Compensation until June 30, 1998. k. Acknowledge letter of appreciation to Detective Jennifer S. Thomas for getting money returned to a Shawnee citizen. A motion was made by Commissioner Snider, seconded by Commissioner Young, that Consent Agenda Item No. 1 (a-k), inclusive, be approved. Motion carried. AYE: Snider, Young, Harden, Davis, Downing, Gillham NAY: None AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Mayor’s Proclamations and Presentations. Mayor Harden issued the following proclamations and presentations: “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” April, 1998 (accepted by Cindy Forbes, Project Safe Representative) “Infant Immunization Week” April 19-25, 1998 (accepted by Shirley Underwood, Immunization Outreach Coordinator) “Trash Off Day” April 25, 1998 (accepted by Tom Terry, Chamber of Commerce Chairman of Beautification Committee and members of Shawnee Garden Council) Mr. Brent Cory, 1998 Sister Cities Council Chairman, introduced the Sister Cities delegation to Nikaho, Japan this August 4-11, 1998 as follows: Allison Brown 7th Grade, Shawnee Middle School Beau Burton 8th Grade, Grove School Scott Butcher 8th Grade, Shawnee Middle School Kathryn Climer 8th grade, Shawnee Middle School Krystal Cooner 8th Grade, Shawnee Middle School Morgan Ealy 8th Grade, Shawnee Middle School Rigo Gutierrez 7th Grade, Shawnee Middle School Molly McMurry 7th Grade, Grove School Dillion Orr 7th Grade, Grove School Stuart Thompson 8th Grade, Shawnee Middle School PROFESSIONAL STAFF Esther Bell Cheryl Ann Morgan Teacher-4th grade Teacher-2nd grade North Rock Creek North Rock Creek JoAnna James Mina Cory Teacher-6-8 grades Sister City Member Shawnee Middle School Translator/Production Clerk TDK Micro-Division Brent Cory Sister City Chairman Head of Delegation Education Teaching Assistant Shawnee Middle School AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: City Manager’s Presentation. City Manager Terry Powell presented a certificate of award and a $25.00 gift certificate to Scott Moore, Line Maintenance Division, as the March “Employee of the Month” in recognition of his excellent and dedicated seven years of service to the City of Shawnee. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Presentation of quarterly report for Downtown Shawnee by Karen Kinnamon, Downtown Shawnee Program Director. Ms. Karen Kinnamon, Shawnee Downtown Program Director, presented the quarterly report and noted the following activities: · annual meeting and awards presentation · Cathy Keating Tour · Work with Chamber of Commerce PRIDE Committee · Work with Chamber and Economic Development Foundation · Track figures on public and private capital investments in the central business district · Downtown business inventory report compilation · Presentations to civic groups · On-going communications with downtown merchants New and upcoming events include · OMPS awards-top three in newsletter · OMPS Banquet · Citywide garage sale – April 18 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing and consider an ordinance to rezone property located at 1109 South Beard from A-1, Agricultural District to C-3, Automotive and Commercial Recreation District for trucks and trailer sales. (Applicant: Steve Coker) Continued from 1/5/98 and 3/2/98 meetings). In regards to this item, City Manager Terry Powell advised that the Planning Commission had tabled it to its meeting of May 6, 1998, and he requested that it be continued to the mid-May meeting. A motion was made by Vice Mayor Downing, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to defer this item to the May 18, 1998 City Commission meeting. Motion carried. AYE: Downing, Davis, Snider, Gillham, Young, Harden NAY: None AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Public hearing and consider an ordinance to rezone property located in the 800-1400 Block North Bryan and 2300-3500 Block East Independence (Southeast corner of Bryan and Independence) from PUD, Multi-Zoning, Planned Unit Development to PUD, Planned Unit Development A-1, Agricultural; R-1, Single Family Residential; R-3, Multi-Family Residential; R-E, Rural Estates; and C-3, Automotive and Commercial Recreation District for Planned Unit Development. (Applicant: Highlands, L.L.C., Shawnee County Club). Mayor Harden declared a public hearing in session to consider an ordinance to rezone property located at 800-1400 Block North Bryan and 2300-3500 Block East Independence (Southeast corner of Bryan and Independence) for Planned Unit Development. It was noted that the Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of the application and there were no formal written protests filed. Mayor Harden called upon Community Development Director Bill Colclasure to present a staff report. Mr. Colclasure informed the Commission that the property includes 289.9 acres that the applicant is requesting to rezone for mixed use PUD. He advised that the development will include residential development built around the expansion of a 9-hole golf course. Mayor Harden asked if any persons wished to appear in favor of or in protest of said rezoning. No persons appeared and the public hearing was closed. After due and careful consideration, Ordinance No. 1865NS was introduced and the title read aloud. Ordinance No. 1865NS entitled “An ordinance concerning the zoning classification of the following described property located within the corporate limits of the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma, to-wit: A Tract of land beginning at the Northwest Corner of Section Sixteen (16), Township 10 North, Range 4 East; Thence N89°29’13”East along the North line of said Section 5303.21 feet to the Northeast Corner of said Section; thence South 00°18’03” West along the East line of said Section 1317.47 feet; thence North 89°41’57” West 631.21 feet; thence South 185 feet; thence South 38° 20’39” West 878.49 feet; thence North 83°34’48” West 682.02 feet; thence South 21° 42’22” West 866.63 feet; thence South 89°23’12” West 546.58 feet; thence North 29°58’14” West 379.64 feet to a point on the South line of said North Half (N/2); thence South 89°18’10” West 2372.56 feet along said South line to the Southwest Corner of said N/2; thence North 00°10’16” West along the West line of said N/2 2662.23 feet to the point of beginning; rezoning said property from zoning classification A-1, Agricultural District to Multi-Use Zoning PUD, Planned Unit Development to include A-1, Agricultural; R-E, Rural Estates Residential; R-1, Single Family Residential; R-3, Multi-Family Residential; and C-3, Automotive and Commercial Recreation Districts; amending the official zoning map of the City of Shawnee accordingly; and declaring an emergency.” A motion was made by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Vice Mayor Downing, that the Title and Section 1 be approved. Motion carried. AYE: Davis, Downing, Snider, Gillham, Young, Harden NAY: None A motion was made by Commissioner Gillham, seconded by Vice Mayor Downing, that Section 2, the emergency clause, be approved. Motion carried. AYE: Gillham, Downing, Snider, Young, Harden, Davis NAY: None Thereupon Mayor Harden declared Ordinance No. 1865NS duly passed and adopted. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing and consider an ordinance for a conditional use permit on property located at the Southeast corner of Bryan and Independence from C-3, Automotive and Commercial Recreational District to C-3P, Automotive and Commercial Recreation with a conditional use permit to sell beer and alcoholic beverages to be consumed on premises. (Applicant: Highland L.L.C., Shawnee Country Club). Mayor Harden declared a public hearing in session to consider an ordinance for a conditional use permit on property located at the Southeast corner of Bryan and Independence, Shawnee Country Club house, to sell beer and alcoholic beverages to be consumed on premises. It was noted that the Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of the application and there were no formal written protests filed. Mayor Harden asked if any persons wished to appear in favor of or in protest of said rezoning. No persons appeared and the public hearing was closed. After due and careful consideration, Ordinance No. 1866NS was introduced and the title read aloud. Ordinance No. 1866NS entitled “An ordinance concerning the zoning classification of the following described property located within the corporate limits of the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma, to-wit: A tract of land beginning at the Northwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township 10 North, Range Four East; thence North 89°39’32” East along the North line of said NW/4 1306.13 feet; thence South 00°20’28” East 989.36 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 73°06’23” East 600 feet; thence South 16°53’37” East 423.27 feet; thence South 73°06’23” West 600 feet; thence North 16°53’37” West 423.27 feet to the point of beginning to the City of Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma granting permissive use application for said property to C-3P, Automotive and Commercial Recreation District with Conditional Use Permit, amending the official zoning map of the City of Shawnee accordingly; and declaring an emergency.” A motion was made by Commissioner Snider, seconded by Vice Mayor Downing, that the Title and Section 1 be approved. Motion carried. AYE: Snider, Downing, Gillham, Harden, Davis NAY: Young A motion was made by Commissioner Snider, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Section 2, the emergency clause, be approved. Motion carried. AYE: Snider, Davis, Downing, Gillham, Harden NAY: Young Thereupon Mayor Harden declared Ordinance No. 1866NS duly passed and adopted. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Public hearing and consider an ordinance to rezone property located at 2610 and 2612 North Park from R-1, Residential District to C-2, Suburban Office Commercial Recreation for use as a dental office. (Applicant: Link S. Cowen for Dwellings LLC). Mayor Harden declared a public hearing in session to consider an ordinance to rezone property located at 2610 and 2612 North Park for use as a dental office . It was noted that the Planning Commission and staff recommended approval of the application and there were no formal written protests filed. Mayor Harden asked if any persons wished to appear in favor of or in protest of said rezoning. No persons appeared and the public hearing was closed. After due and careful consideration, Ordinance No. 1867NS was introduced and the title read aloud. Ordinance No. 1867NS entitled “An ordinance concerning the zoning classification of the following described property located within the corporate limits of the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma, to-wit: Lots Thirty-Two (32), Thirty-Three (33), Thirty-Four (34), Thirty-Five (35), Thirty-Six (36), Thirty-Seven (37), and Thirty-Eight (38), Block Six (6), Rose Garden Addition to the City of Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof; rezoning said property from zoning classification R-1, Single Family Residential District to C-2, Suburban Office Commercial District; amending the official zoning map of the City of Shawnee accordingly; and declaring an emergency." A motion was made by Vice Mayor Downing, seconded by Commissioner Young, that the Title and Section 1 be approved. Motion carried. AYE: Downing, Young, Harden, Davis, Snider, Gillham NAY: None A motion was made by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Young, that Section 2, the emergency clause, be approved. Motion carried. AYE: Davis, Young, Harden, Downing, Snider, Gillham NAY: None Thereupon Mayor Harden declared Ordinance No. 1867NS duly passed and adopted. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Consider approval of short form subdivision on property located at 4737 North Kickapoo for office supply store. (Applicant: Intervest Development Limited Partnership). Mr. Bill Colclasure, Director of Planning and Community Development, reported that the proposed Staples Office Supply store would be located south of Lowe’s Home Improvement Center. A motion was made by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Snider, that the short form subdivision on property located at 4737 North Kickapoo for use as an office supply store be approved as submitted by Intervest Development Limited Partnership. Motion carried. AYE: Davis, Snider, Gillham, Young, Harden, Downing NAY: None AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Consider a contract to install an outgoing telephone system for the Shawnee Police Department inmates. At this time, Police Chief Hank Land gave a staff report regarding the request to enter into a contract with Texas Inmate Phones (TIP), Pasadena, Texas. The Commission had further questions to ask about the services and had concerns about the liability. Mr. Land stated that the telephones would be installed in the cells and would be cordless and coinless which would require collect calls only. He advised that the advantage of installing the telephones was that it eliminates inmates being removed from the cells. He noted that there would be no cost to the City and TIP would pay the City a commission on revenue billed at the rate of fifty percent (50%) of net on all collectable calls. A motion was made by Vice Mayor Downing, seconded by Commissioner Young, to approve the five-year contract between the City of Shawnee and Texas Inmate Phones for equipment and services. Motion carried. AYE: Downing, Young, Davis, Gillham NAY: Snider, Harden AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Consider an agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Shawnee, Inc. for the purchase of a lot located at 1831 West Franklin through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce FY 1996 Home Program to construct a home for a low-moderate income family. In explanation of the agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Shawnee, Inc., Community Development Director Bill Colclasure reported that for the past five years, the City has received monies from the State with a 15% matching funds on the City’s part, but now the State requires a 25% matching funds to participate. He advised that Shawnee will receive $114,000 from the Department of Commerce for 1998 Home Funds. The City proposes to purchase the lot, 1831 W. Franklin, out of the 1996 Home Funds at a cost of $6,500 and will be allowed to count all man-hours and material costs toward the in-kind match for the construction of the Habitat house. He noted that the Shawnee Urban Renewal Authority had approved the proposed agreement. A motion was made by Commissioner Young, seconded by Commissioner Snider, to approve a contract between Habitat for Humanity of Shawnee, Inc. for the purchase of a lot located at 1831 West Franklin through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce FY 1996 Home Program to construct a home for a low-moderate income family. Motion carried. AYE: Young, Snider, Gillham, Harden, Davis, Downing NAY: None AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Consider Railroad Crossing Agreement for the I-40 North Frontage Road. In consideration of the railroad crossing agreement with Burlington Northern Santa Railway Company (BNSF), Kansas City, Kansas, City Engineer John Krywicki, presented the staff report regarding the construction of the Shawnee Mall frontage road. He reported that the North Frontage Road will run along the north side of I-40 from the westbound on-ramp at Harrison to the end of the frontage road in front of the Shawnee Mall. He explained that the road will have an at-grade crossing at the railroad tracks with crossing gate and warning signals. In order for the City to cross the railroad right-of-way, the City must agree to execute a cost and maintenance agreement. The costs involved will include an estimated advance deposit of $210,311 from the City to BNSF for its own contractors to prepare the tracks. Another cost the City will incur is an annual fee of $2,077 to cover the costs of maintaining the crossing facility, for example; flasher lights and gates. Mr. Krywicki advised that it is staff’s recommendation that the agreement be executed. A motion was made by Commissioner Snider, seconded by Commissioner Young, to approve the railroad crossing agreement with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company for the I-40/Shawnee Mall North frontage road in the estimated amount of $210,311 for construction costs and $2,077 for annual maintenance fee for the crossing facility. Motion carried. AYE: Snider, Young, Harden, Davis, Downing, Gillham NAY: None AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Consider Bids. a) Proposals for Workers’ Compensation Third Party Administrator (TPA) A motion was made by Commissioner Snider, seconded by Commissioner Young, to accept Personnel Director Allen Benelli’s recommendation to defer the bids for the Workers’ Compensation Third Party Administrator (TPA) to the May 4, 1998 meeting allowing more time for evaluation. Motion carried. AYE: Snider, Young, Harden, Davis, Downing, Gillham NAY: None b) Mowing and Cleaning Weeds and Trash for 1998-99 (open) BID ITEMS BIDDER A to Z Mike Specializing Elliott 1) a. Cutting grass and weeds on $10,000 $65.00 $45.00 sq. ft. or less of land area. Less than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than two feet. b. Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. of 2.00 2.00 land area up to one acre. 2) a. Cutting grass and weeds on 10,000 70.00 45.00 sq. ft. or less of land area. More than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than two feet. b. Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. of 3.00 2.00 land area up to one acre. 3) a. Cutting grass and weeds on larger 70.00 50.00 areas: bid per acre or part there- of. Less than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than four feet. b. Cutting grass and weeds on larger 85.00 55.00 areas: bid per acre or part there- of. More than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than four feet. 4) a. Debris removal: Each 1/2 ton pickup 55.00 45.00 load. b. Disposal of vehicle tires—each. 10.00 3.00 5) Show-up fee--(to be used if cancel- 25.00 20.00 lation of order is made subsequent to issuance of order. BID ITEMS BIDDER Farrall Grasshopper Construction Lawn Care 1) a. Cutting grass and weeds on $10,000 $55.00 $40.00 sq. ft. or less of land area. Less than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than two feet. b. Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. of 2.00 5.00 land area up to one acre. 2) a. Cutting grass and weeds on 10,000 65.00 45.00 sq. ft. or less of land area. More than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than two feet. b. Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. of 2.50 6.00 land area up to one acre. 3) a. Cutting grass and weeds on larger 65.00 195.00 areas: bid per acre or part there- of. Less than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than four feet. b. Cutting grass and weeds on larger 80.00 235.00 areas: bid per acre or part there- of. More than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than four feet. 4) a. Debris removal: Each 1/2 ton pickup 40.00 45.00 load. b. Disposal of vehicle tires—each. 3.00 5.00 5) Show-up fee--(to be used if cancel- 10.00 40.00 lation of order is made subsequent to issuance of order. BID ITEMS BIDDER JPS Carl Enterprises McCollum 1) a. Cutting grass and weeds on $10,000 $40.00 $45.00 sq. ft. or less of land area. Less than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than two feet. b. Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. of 2.00 1.50 land area up to one acre. 2) a. Cutting grass and weeds on 10,000 45.00 50.00 sq. ft. or less of land area. More than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than two feet. b. Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. of 2.00 1.50 land area up to one acre. 3) a. Cutting grass and weeds on larger 60.00 50.00 areas: bid per acre or part there- of. Less than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than four feet. b. Cutting grass and weeds on larger 60.00 55.00 areas: bid per acre or part there- of. More than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than four feet. 4) a. Debris removal: Each 1/2 ton pickup 35.00 40.00 load. b. Disposal of vehicle tires—each. 3.00 3.00 5) Show-up fee--(to be used if cancel- 20.00 20.00 lation of order is made subsequent to issuance of order. BID ITEMS BIDDER Multi Fix 1) a. Cutting grass and weeds on $10,000 $125.00 sq. ft. or less of land area. Less than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than two feet. b. Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. of 12.50 land area up to one acre. 2) a. Cutting grass and weeds on 10,000 175.00 sq. ft. or less of land area. More than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than two feet. b. Each additional 1,000 sq. ft. of 17.50 land area up to one acre. 3) a. Cutting grass and weeds on larger NA areas: bid per acre or part there- of. Less than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than four feet. b. Cutting grass and weeds on larger NA areas: bid per acre or part there- of. More than 25% of the land shall be covered with vegetation higher than four feet. 4) a. Debris removal: Each 1/2 ton pickup 125.00 load. b. Disposal of vehicle tires—each. 6.00 5) Show-up fee--(to be used if cancel- 75.00 lation of order is made subsequent to issuance of order. A motion was made by Vice Mayor Downing, seconded by Commissioner Davis, to accept staff’s recommendation to refer all mowing contract bids to staff for further analysis and report back at the next meeting. Motion carried. AYE: Downing, Davis, Snider, Gillham, Young, Harden NAY: None c) ¾ Ton Pickup with Utility Bed for Line Maintenance (open) BIDDER AMOUNT Brackeen Motors, Inc. $18,248.00 Harvey’s Inc. 17,730.00 Klement Ford of Shawnee 17,437.00 A motion was made by Commissioner Gillham, seconded by Vice Mayor Downing, to accept staff’s recommendation to refer all bids to staff for further analysis and report back at the next meeting. Motion carried. AYE: Gillham, Downing, Snider, Young, Harden, Davis NAY: None d) One Ton Diesel Powered Truck with Dump Bed for Street Maintenance (open) BIDDER AMOUNT Harvey’s Inc. $25,615.00 A motion was made by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Young, to accept staff’s recommendation to refer all bids to staff for further analysis and report back at the next meeting. Motion carried. AYE: Davis, Young, Harden, Downing, Snider, Gillham NAY: None THE COMMISSION NOW DEVIATED FROM THE FORMAL AGENDA TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEM: AGENDA ITEM NO. 14: Citizens Participation (A five minute limit per person) (A fifteen minute limit per topic). Under Citizens Participation, Scott Williams of Shawnee Chamber of Commerce & Leadership Shawnee and 21 high school students were in the audience observing the meeting. The students will participate in a mock City Commission meeting to be held April 17, 1998. Mayor Harden asked if any student wished to comment. Appearing was Heidi Smith stating that the problem she sees is a lack of activities for teenagers to do. She suggested a teen center where students can dance and have non-alcoholic beverages. Mayor Harden suggested to Miss Smith to bring back ideas to City staff on the teen center concept. Also, Prerna Gupta commented about the education level in Shawnee Public Schools and stated that there was not opportunity nor incentive for students who want to excel and compete on the national level. AGENDA ITEM NO. 15: Consider going into Executive Session for confidential communications with Counsel regarding negotiations with and possible agreement between City of Shawnee and IUPA, Local #3, for FY 1998-99. 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(2) & (4). Motion by Vice Mayor Downing, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Commission go into Executive Session for confidential communications with Counsel regarding negotiations with and possible agreement between City of Shawnee and IUPA, Local #3, for FY 1998-99, 25 O.S. Section 307(B)(2) & (4). Motion carried. AYE: Downing, Davis, Snider, Gillham, Young, Harden NAY: None CITY COMMISSION NOW IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 8:46 P.M. WITH ALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT. CITY COMMISSION NOW RECONVENED IN REGULAR SESSION AT 9:26 P.M. WITH ALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT. AGENDA ITEM NO. 16: Consider vote on contract between City of Shawnee and IUPA, Local #3, for FY 1998-99. A motion was made by Commissioner Gillham, seconded by Vice Mayor Downing, to defer the voting on the contract between IUPA, Local #3 and the City of Shawnee to the next meeting on April 20, 1998. Motion carried. AYE: Gillham, Downing, Snider, Young, Harden, Davis NAY: None AGENDA ITEM NO. 17: Administrative Reports. There were no Administrative Reports given. AGENDA ITEM NO. 18: New Business. Under New Business, Commissioner Snider requested staff to check the area where debris and logs have accumulated near the North Canadian River bridge off Lake Road. Commissioner Davis reported that he had received a call from a lady concerned about where her son can skateboard. She stated that the tennis courts are not challenging and the teens need a place to skateboard. He requested staff to check into this matter. AGENDA ITEM NO. 19: Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion was made by Vice Mayor Downing, seconded by Commissioner Young, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. (9:31 p.m.) AYE: Downing, Young, Harden, Davis, Snider, Gillham NAY: None ______________________________ MAYOR (SEAL) ATTEST: ______________________________ CITY CLERK ![]() NOTICE: This is NOT an official document. All official documents are maintained by the Shawnee City Clerk at Shawnee City Hall. This document is provided as a public information device. Please contact City Hall at 405-878-1604 for official documents. |