City of Shawnee Document
AGENDA SHAWNEE MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY December 5, 2011 AT 6:30 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL SHAWNEE, OKLAHOMA CALL TO ORDER DECLARATION OF A QUORUM 1. Consider and take action with respect to a resolution authorizing the Shawnee Municipal Authority (the “authority”) to issue its (I) sales tax revenue note, series 2011A in the aggregate principal amount of $1,885,000.00 (the “2011A note”), and (II) sales tax revenue note, taxable series 2011B in the aggregate principal amount of $1,960,000.00 (the “2011B note”, and together with the 2011A note, the “notes”); waiving competitive bidding and authorizing the notes to be sold on a negotiated basis; approving and authorizing execution of a sales tax agreement by and between the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma (the “city”) and the authority pertaining to a year-to-year pledge of certain sales tax revenue; approving and authorizing execution of a note indenture authorizing the issuance and securing the payment of the notes; providing that the organizational document creating the authority is subject to the provisions of the note indenture; authorizing and directing the execution of the notes and other documents relating to the transaction; establishing the authority’s reasonable expectation with respect to the issuance of tax-exempt obligations by the authority in calendar year 2011, and designating the 2011A note as a qualified tax-exempt obligation; and containing other provisions relating thereto. 2. Consider recess of Shawnee Municipal Authority to reconvene the Board of City Commissioners. 3. Consider reconvening the Shawnee Municipal Authority. 4. Consider approval of Consent Agenda: a. Minutes from the November 21, 2011 meeting. b. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 4-f regarding authorization to negotiate contract with Smith Roberts Baldischwiler for Shawnee Municipal Authority Comprehensive Master Plan. c. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 15-b regarding opening bid for Truck Mounted CCTV Multi-Conductor Inspection System. 5. New Business (Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the posting of the agenda) 6. Administrative Reports 7. Adjournment Respectfully submitted Phyllis Loftis, City Clerk NOTICE: This is NOT an official document. All official documents are maintained by the Shawnee City Clerk at Shawnee City Hall. This document is provided as a public information device. Please contact City Hall at 405-878-1604 for official documents. |