City of Shawnee Document
MINUTES TRAFFIC COMMISSION April 26, 2011 MEETING COMMISSION CHAMBERS ROOM AT CITY HALL I. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT Theresa Cody Ron Duffell Deena Harris Delbert Totty MEMBERS ABSENT None EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Michael Ludi, Asst. City Engineer Amber Satterfield, Asst. City Engineer Keith Mangus, Traffic Control Supervisor E. Jill Smith, Secretary CITIZENS PRESENT Traci Westbrook, Sustainable Shawnee II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Cody for the approval of the January 25, 2011 and February 15, 2011 minutes. Motion carried. Aye: Harris, Cody, Duffel, Totty Nay: None III. SWEAR IN OF BILL JOHNSON IV. SWEAR IN OF WAYNE ARDREY V. SWEAR IN OF RONALD TAFFE VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RESIGNATION OF KELLY MALLORY FROM TRAFFIC COMMISSION VII. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN OF TRAFFIC COMMISSION BY MEMBER OF TRAFFIC BOARD Discussion: Board members to decide who is to volunteer for the Chairman position. Bill Johnson volunteered for the position, with no other volunteers coming forward. Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Totty to appoint Johnson as Chairman of the Traffic Commission. Motion carried. Aye: Harris, Totty, Ardrey, Cody, Duffell, Johnson, Taffe Nay: None VIII. APPOINTMENT OF VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION BY MEMBER OF TRAFFIC BOARD IF NEEDED Discussion: No change in Vice-Chairman position. IX. CONSIDERATION OF REQUESTS A. Consideration of request by staff to put up street light at the following locations: 1. 1800 block of North Union 2. Intersection of Industrial Way and Industrial Drive 3. Kickapoo & Hazel Del 4. Kickapoo & Garrett’s Lake Rd 5. Kickapoo & Moccasin Trail 6. Dewey & Leo at railroad tracks Discussion: Staff has requested street lights be put up at the locations above and slideshow was presented with pictures of proposed locations. Johnson asked about the middle of the block location of the light at 1800 block of North Union and it was explained by staff that it is an especially long block. Motion was made by Totty, seconded by Ardrey to approve request. Motion carried. Aye: Totty, Ardrey, Duffell, Harris, Johnson, Taffe Nay: Cody B. Consideration of request by Sustainable Shawnee and Justice Mission of Oklahoma Baptist University to put up light on existing pole on Wall between Park & Market Discussion: Traci Westbrook with Sustainable Shawnee asked that a light be put up for the safety of the community garden at that location and for the safety of that community. Staff showed that the existing light pole is in an alley and that there are lights on either end of the block that are working properly. Motion was made by Totty, seconded by Harris to agree with staff recommendation to deny request. Motion carried. Aye: Totty, Harris, Ardrey, Cody, Duffell, Johnson, Taffe Nay: None C. Consideration of request by Gilbert Crook, 617 S. Louisa, to put up “Children at Play” sign on the 600 block of South Louisa Discussion: Commission members were given a copy of a study done by the Transportation Synthesis Report Research & Library Services for the Wisconsin DOT showing the counter effectiveness of “Children at Play” signs. Staff also cited that the sign has been removed from the MUTCD manual. Motion was made by Taffe, seconded by Totty to agree with staff recommendation to deny request. Motion carried. Aye: Taffe, Totty, Ardrey, Cody, Duffell, Harris, Johnson Nay: None D. Consideration of request by staff to lower speed limit on North Kickapoo North of 45th Street Discussion: Staff explained that ODOT had ultimate control over the speed limit on this road and that even if COS staff did their own traffic study, ODOT would do their own as well. Motion was made by Harris, seconded by Ardrey to agree with staff recommendation to ask ODOT for traffic study. Motion carried. Aye: Harris, Ardrey, Cody, Duffell, Johnson, Taffe, Totty Nay: None X. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Staff showed intersection where a light was requested previously at Farrall and Bell to go along with a request at the February meeting and Commissioners were given information about why ODOT denied the request for a light at that location. Staff gave updates on Mall Drive Turn Lanes Project, Beard Street Widening Project, Kickapoo Project, and Harrison overlay. Commissioners requested copies of re-routing plans for the Kickapoo Project and staff confirmed that the Harrison Street overlay would be done before Kickapoo got underway. XI. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None XII. BOARD MEMBERS COMMENTS Totty asked Keith Mangus about timing of traffic lights at Pottenger and Kickapoo Spur, Mangus said that he witnessed lights working properly but will check again. Mangus explained that yellow lights are typically designed to last anywhere from 3.5-4 seconds. Johnson asked Mangus for a copy of timing sheets he uses to keep track of lights around town. Cody commented that the parking lot striping downtown looks very good. Taffe asked if there was any additional information on the proposed I-40/Bryan interchange, to which staff responded that there was not. Nor were there any plans for an Acme/I-40 interchange. There being no further business to come before the Traffic Commission, a motion was made by Taffe, seconded by Harris recommending the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Aye: Taffe, Harris, Ardrey, Cody, Duffell, Johnson, Totty Nay: None Respectfully submitted, _________________________ E. Jill Smith, Secretary _________________________ Bill Johnson, Chairman ![]() NOTICE: This is NOT an official document. All official documents are maintained by the Shawnee City Clerk at Shawnee City Hall. This document is provided as a public information device. Please contact City Hall at 405-878-1604 for official documents. |