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Date: 8/2/2010Board: City CommissionDocumentType: AgendaWeb Posted: 7/28/2010 4:48:20 PM
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AUGUST 2, 2010 AT 6:30 P.M.





1. Consider approval of Agenda:

2. Consider approval of Consent Agenda:

a. Acknowledge staff will proceed in the instant meeting with the opening and consideration of bids as set forth in Agenda Item Number 7.

b. Minutes from the July 19, 2010 meeting.

c. Acknowledge the following minutes:

• Sister Cities Council minutes from April 20, 2010

d. Acknowledge Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund refund of contributions from the Defined Contribution Plan for Joel Wicker, Maintenance I - Water Distribution.

e. Acknowledge Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund refund of contributions from the Defined Contribution plan for Charles Retherford, Animal Control Officer - Police Department.

f. Acknowledge Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund refund of contributions from the Defined Contribution plan for James Smith, Equipment Operator I - Street Department.

g. Acknowledge Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund refund of contributions from the Defined Contribution plan for Evan Bordeaux, Dispatch - Police Department.

h. Approve Budget Amendment inCapital Improvement Fund 301 and SAA FUND 511to appropriate fund balance in Fund 511 and transfer budget money from Capital Improvement Fund 301 to allow for purchasing of furniture and equipment for Airport. Furniture and equipment is in receivership and held by 1st National Bank.

i. Approve Budget Amendment in Street Improvement Fund 302 to appropriate fund balance for payment to B & B Builders, LLC to construct a new parking lot at the airport terminal building. Note: Amendment was originally approved 5/17/10 however the project was not completed in FY09-10 and the amount rolled into the fund balance at year end.

j. Approve Budget Amendment Shawnee Airport Authority Fund 511 to appropriate funds anticipated to be received from the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission and Economic Development Administration to construct a new airport terminal building.

k. Approve Transfer of Budget Between Departments and/or Projects in SMA Fund 501to transfer budget within the SMA Fund 501 to purchase a boat for Wes Watkins Lake.

l. Approve Budget Amendment and Appropriation of Available Fund Balance General Fund to budget for applied-for FEMA and state grant funds for the City of Shawnee spring storm debris cleanup. FEMA will reimburse 75% of eligible cost, State 12 ˝% and the City’s portion of the costs will be 12 ˝%.

m. Approve Budget Amendment FY 2010-2011 for 2010 CDBG Entitlement Grant Fund to appropriate 2010 CDBG Entitlement Funds for FY 2010-2011.

n. Acknowledge receipt of DEQ Permit No. WL000063100331 for waterline to serve the Shawnee Housing Highland Project – fire hydrant and valves.

o. Acknowledge receipt of DEQ Permit No. WT000063100255 for construction of one 2,800 gpm high service pump station improvements, Facility No. 102054.

p. Acknowledge correction of address regarding Lake Site Lease Transfer for Lot 9 Magnino A Tract, on July 19, 2010 agenda from 17320 Magnino Road to 17322 Magnino Road.

q. Acknowledge award of Citizens Corps Grant Funds from Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security.

r. Mayor’s Appointments:

Tom Bierd Zoning Board of Adjustment term to expire 6/01/11
Linda Malley Beautification Committee term to expire 12/31/12
Paul Malley Beautification Committee term to expire 12/31/10

3. Citizens Participation (A three minute limit per person)
(A twelve minute limit per topic)

4. Mayor’s Proclamation:
“Rita Sloan Day”
August 2, 2010

5. City Manager’s presentation for Employee of the Month to James Wesley (Code Enforcement)

6. Consider an ordinance amending our existing Flood Damage Prevention ordinance.

7. Consider Bids:

a. Rehabilitate Runway 17-35, Rehabilitate and Realign the Parallel Taxiway and Improve the Runway Safety Area; AIP Project 3-40- 0088-014-2010; OAC Project SNL-10-FS; Bid Contract No. COS- PW-10-01 (Open)

b. Shawnee Lake No. 2 Intake Tower Valve Replacements DWSRF Project N.: P40-102050-01 (Award)

8. New Business (Any matter not known about or
which could not have been reasonably
foreseen prior to the posting of the agenda)

9. Administrative Reports

10. Commissioners Comments

11. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted

Phyllis Loftis , City Clerk


AUGUST 2, 2010 AT 6:30 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Declaration of a Quorum

3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda

a. Minutes from the July 19, 2010 meeting.

b. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 2-h regarding Capital Improvement Fund 301and SAA Fund 511 to appropriate fund balance in Fund 511 and transfer budget money from Capital Improvement Fund 301 to allow for purchasing of furniture and equipment for Airport. Furniture and equipment is in receivership and held by 1st National Bank.

c. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 2-i regarding approval of Budget Amendment in Street Improvement Fund 302 to appropriate fund balance for payment to B & B Builders, LLC to construct a new parking lot at the airport terminal building. Note: Amendment was originally approved 5/17/10 however the project was not completed in FY09-10 and the amount rolled into the fund balance at year end.

d. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 2-j regarding approval of Budget Amendment Shawnee Airport Authority Fund 511 to appropriate funds anticipated to be received from the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission and Economic Development Administration to construct a new airport terminal building.

e. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 7-a regarding opening of bids to Rehabilitate Runway 17-35, Rehabilitate and Realign the Parallel Taxiway and Improve the Runway Safety Area; AIP Project 3-40- 0088-014-2010; OAC Project SNL-10-FS; Bid Contract No. COS-PW-10-01.

4. Administrative Reports

5. New Business

6. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis Loftis
Authority Secretary


AUGUST 2, 2010 AT 6:30 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Declaration of a Quorum

3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda

a. Minutes from the July 19, 2010 meeting.

b. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 2-k regarding Transfer of Budget Between Departments and/or Projects in SMA Fund 501 to transfer budget within the SMA Fund 501 to purchase a boat for Wes Watkins Lake.

c. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 7-b regarding awarding of bid for Shawnee Lake No. 2 Intake Tower Valve Replacements DWSRF Project N.: P40-102050-01.

4. Administrative Reports

5. New Business

6. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis Loftis, Authority Secretary

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