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Date: 6/15/2009Board: City CommissionDocumentType: AgendaWeb Posted: 6/11/2009 3:59:25 PM
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JUNE 15, 2009 AT 6:30 P.M.





1. Consider approval of Agenda:

2. Consider approval of Consent Agenda:

a. Minutes from the June 1, 2009 meeting Pgs. 1-11

b. Acknowledge the following reports and minutes: Pgs. 12-24

• Planning Commission minutes from May 6, 2009
• Shawnee Urban Renewal Authority minutes from May 19, 2009
• Project Payment Report May 1-31, 2009
• License Payment Report May 1-31, 2009
• Airport Advisory Board minutes from April 15, 2009
• Sales Tax Collections through June 2009

c. Approve request by Oklahoma Baptist University Authority to re-appoint Mr. C. L. Craig and Mr. Randy L. Smith as trustees of the Authority, terms to expire August 1, 2015.

d. Approve a resolution renewing the lease purchase agreement for the 2004 seventy-five foot aerial firetruck. Pg. 25

e. Approve a resolution requesting bridge inspection responsibility by the local government for compliance with national bridge inspections standards. Bridge inspection contracts for 2009 and 2010. Pg. 26

f. Approve renewal of the following agreements for FY 2009-2010:

1. Independent School District No. 93 for maintenance of tennis courts. Pgs. 27-29
2. Pottawatomie County District Court to establish, develop and implement programs for juvenile misdemeanor offenders. Pgs. 30-32
3. Gordon Cooper Technology Center District No. 5 to provide repaving and repair of public roadways and parking lots used by students, faculty, employees and patrons of GCTC. Pgs. 33-34
4. Project H.E.A.R.T. for operation space and utility services. Pgs. 35-37
5. South Central Industries to provide clean-up of city parks and park restrooms. Pgs. 38-39
6. Agreement for Juvenile Services. Pgs. 40-41
7. Agreement to provide police officers for Shawnee High School and Middle School. Pgs. 42-43
8. Governmental Services contract with the Shawnee Civic and Cultural Development Authority. Pgs. 44-47
9. Animal shelter facility agreement with Town of McLoud. Pgs. 48-52

g. Acknowledge Pioneer Library System annual budget for FY 2009-2010. Pgs. 53-56

h. Acknowledge Shawnee Public Library Board request for Bob Perry to replace Gil Guptill (2nd term expired 6/10/09), term to expire 6/30/12, and Michael Affentranger to replace Garry Souders (resigned), term to expire 6/30/11 Pg. 57

i. Accept Municipal Auditorium fire suppression/sprinkler system Project No. COS-PW-07-02 Pgs. 58-62

j. Authorize staff to request bids for Airport Terminal building Contract No. COS-PW-09-01. Pg. 63

k. Confirm action taken by Shawnee Municipal Authority on SMA Agenda Item No. 4 regarding consideration of approval of a resolution agreeing to file applications with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (the “OWRB”) for financial assistance through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, with the loan proceeds being for the purpose of financing water system improvements serving the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma; and containing other provisions related thereto.

l. Lake Site Lease Renewals: Pgs. 64-83

• Lot 9 Magnino A Tract, 17232 Magnino Road
S. Smith and N. Smith
• Lot 1 Magnino Tract, 16500 Archery Range Road
D. Teel
• Lot 10 Magnino A Tract, 17236 Magnino Road
A. Topping
• Lot 5 Green Tract, 32101 Hornbeck Road
R. Bykerk

3. Citizens Participation (A three minute limit per person)
(A twelve minute limit per topic)

4. Presentation of contribution made by the City of Shawnee to the Shawnee Community Foundation for the Shawnee Veterans’ Memorial Fund.

5. Presentation by Shawna Turner representing Sustainable Shawnee.
(Deferred from the June 1, 2009 meeting) Pgs. 84-86

6. A public hearing and consideration of approval to rezone property from R-1; Residential, R-3; Multi-Family Dwelling, and C-3; Automotive, Commercial and Recreation to R-3; Multi-family for property located at 1810 N. Harrison. Case #P09-09 Pgs. 87-98
(Applicant: Harvey Berk obo Manhattan Management Co.)

7. Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat for Cottage Park located in the 1700 block of North Kickapoo. Case #S04-09 Pgs. 99-106
(Applicant: Terry Carty)

8. Reconvene public hearing and consider approval of an ordinance adopting the 2006 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code. (Recessed from May 18, 2009 meeting) Pgs. 112-156

9. Consideration of approval of agreement between the City of Shawnee and Pottawatomie County for the construction of Patterson Road from Hardesty to 1 ˝ miles north. Pgs. 107-111

10. New Business (Any matter not known about or
which could not have been reasonably
foreseen prior to the posting of the

11. Administrative Reports

12. Consider an Executive Session to discuss acquisition of real property for Regional Sports Park pursuant to 25 O.S. §307 (B) (3).

13. Consider matters discussed in Executive Session regarding acquisition of real property for Regional Sports Park pursuant to 25 O.S. §307 (B) (3).

14. Commissioners Comments

15. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Mayo
Deputy City Clerk


JUNE 15, 2009 AT 6:30 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Declaration of a Quorum

3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda

a. Minutes from the June 1, 2009 meeting. Pgs 1-2
b. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item No. 2- j regarding authorizing staff to request bids on Airport Terminal building.

4. Administrative Reports

5. New Business

6. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Mayo
Deputy City Clerk for Authority Secretary


JUNE 15, 2009 AT 6:30 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Declaration of a Quorum

3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda

a. Minutes from the June 1, 2009 meeting. Pgs 1-2

b. Confirm action taken by City Commission on an Agenda Item approved June 1, 2009 regarding Transfer of Appropriation Fund 501-SMA.
To cover cost of chemicals.

4. Consideration of approval of a resolution agreeing to file applications with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (the “OWRB”) for financial assistance through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, with the loan proceeds being for the purpose of financing water system improvements serving the City of Shawnee, Oklahoma; and containing other provisions related thereto. Pgs. 3-5

5. Administrative Reports

6. New Business

7. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Mayo
Deputy City Clerk for Authority Secretary

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