Date: 8/18/2003Board: City CommissionDocumentType: AgendaWeb Posted: 8/18/2003 1:23:00 PM


AUGUST 18, 2003 AT 7:00 P. M.



INVOCATION Reverend Milo Steffen
First Christian Church


1. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:

a. Acknowledge staff will proceed in the instant meeting with the opening and consideration of bids as set forth in Agenda Item No. 17.

b. Minutes of the August 4, 2003 meeting.

c. Budget amendments in Shawnee Airport Authority Fund and Capital Improvement Fund for FY 2003-04.

d. Transfer of Appropriations in Shawnee Airport Authority Fund for FY 2003-04.

e. Acknowledge the following reports and minutes:

* Sales Tax Report through August, 2003

* Utility Division Report for the month of July, 2003

* City Clerk Report for the month of July, 2003

* Warrant Officer activity report for the month of July, 2003

* Shawnee Community Center report for the month of July, 2003.

* Shawnee Urban Renewal Authority minutes of the July 22, 2003 meeting.

* Sister Cities Council minutes from the July 8, 2003 meeting.

* Planning Commission minutes from the July 16, 2003 meeting

f. Authorize staff to advertise for bids for one or more full-size police units for use by the Police Department.

g. Consider Fire personnel to attend the WMD Radiological/Nuclear Course for HazMat Technicians in Bechtel, Nevada from August 25-28, 2003.

h. Acknowledge grant award from the State Department of Transportation for the Round Seven Highway Tree Grant Program for $23,085.00.

i. Consider recommendation of Beautification Committee to designate I-40 between Kickapoo & Harrison as Shawnee’s “Centennial Grove.”

2. City Manager’s Presentation to Employee of the Month.

3. Presentation of Shawnee Economic Development Foundation semi annual report and annual audit by Chairman Chris Clark.

4. Public hearing and consider an ordinance rezoning property located south of Wolverine on Industrial Drive from I-2, Light Industrial District to I-3, Heavy Industrial District for use as manufacturing. (Applicant: Bob Jones, SEDF)

5. Consider preliminary plat for Orchard Addition located at the SE Corner of Bradley and Center. (Applicant: R. W. Burnley for Shared Funding LLC)

6. Consider final plat for Woodsong Addition Section 1 located west of Bryan and north of 45th Street. (Applicant: Bryant Builders)

7. Public hearing and consider an ordinance to rezone property located at 419 North Union from C-3, Automotive & Commercial Recreation District to C-3P, Automotive & Commercial Recreation District with Conditional Use Permit to allow for the sale of beer & alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption. (Applicant: Rosario and Mario De Loera, El Rodeo Restaurant)

8. Consider Charter’s relocation of cable in the streetscape project area. (Deferred from the August 4, 2003 meeting)

9. Consider a request from C-P Integrated Services, Inc. for a three per cent (3%) increase in their contract for street sweeping.

10. Consider a request from Oasis Realty Incorporation for proposed property development.

11. Consider roadway easement from the City of Shawnee to Scott Premo in the amount of $600.

12. Consider a request from Daniel Shaughnessy (VideoDANS) for use of city-owned video equipment to tape the home Shawnee football games.

13. Consider waterline projects/bids/specs for Benedict Street, near Love’s Store, Kickapoo Spur to Independence & Federal.

14. Consider staff’s recommendation regarding the SCCDA for additional amount to be added to the SMA bank note. (Deferred from the August 4, 2003 meeting)

15. Direct staff to determine the need and engage public support of a TIF District for east and west Main Street.

16. Consider a request from Mrs. Lynn Waters at 713 North Union to install drainage structures.

17. Consider Bids:

a. Hydraulic Power Pack and Pump (award)
b. One 2003 ½ Ton Pickup Truck (Action Center) (award)
c. Larkins Meadow Drainage Improvements (open)

18. New Business Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably
foreseen prior to the time of posting

19. Administrative Reports

20. Citizens Participation (A five minute limit per person)
(A fifteen-minute limit per topic)

21. Consider and possible action to enter into Executive Session for confidential communications with Counsel regarding pending suit entitled Raymond Vague v City of Shawnee, CIV-02-910-BA as authorized by 25 O.S. 307(B)(4).

22. Consider possible action to approve proposed settlement in Raymond Vague v City of Shawnee, CIV-02-910-BA.

23 Commissioners Comments

24 Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Hallock, CMC
City Clerk

AUGUST 18, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Declaration of a Quorum

3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda

a. Minutes of August 4, 2003 meeting Pgs. 1-2

b. Confirm action taken under City Commission Agenda Item No. 14 regarding the SCCDA for additional amount to be added to the SMA bank note.

4. Administrative Reports

5. New Business

6. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Hallock
Authority Secretary

AUGSUT 18, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order

2. Declaration of a Quorum

3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda

a. Minutes of August 4, 2003 meeting Pgs. 1-2

b. Confirm action taken under City Commission Agenda Item No. 1 (c) regarding Budget Amendments in Shawnee Airport Authority Fund for FY 2003-04

c. Confirm action taken under City Commission Agenda Item No. 1 (d) regarding Transfer of Appropriations in Shawnee Airport Authority Fund for FY 2003-04

4. Administrative Reports

5. New Business

6. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Hallock
Authority Secretary

AUGUST 18, 2003 AT 7:00 P. M.


1. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda:

a. Acknowledge staff will proceed in the instant meeting with the opening and consideration of bids as set forth in Agenda Item No. 17.

b. Minutes of the August 4, 2003 meeting. Pgs. 1-15

c. Budget amendments in Shawnee Airport Authority Fund and Capital Improvement Fund for FY 2003-04. Pgs. 16-17

d. Transfer of Appropriations in Shawnee Airport Authority Fund for FY 2003-04. Pg. 18

e. Acknowledge the following reports and minutes:

* Sales Tax Report through August, 2003 Pg. 19

* Utility Division Report for the month of July, 2003 Pgs. 20-41

* City Clerk Report for the month of July, 2003 Pgs. 42-43

* Warrant Officer activity report for the month of July, 2003 Pg. 44

* Shawnee Community Center report for the month of July, 2003. Pgs. 45-46

* Shawnee Urban Renewal Authority minutes of the July 22, 2003 meeting. Pgs. 47-49

* Sister Cities Council minutes from the July 8, 2003 meeting. Pgs. 50-53

* Planning Commission minutes from the July 16, 2003 meeting Pgs. 54-55

f. Authorize staff to advertise for bids for one or more full-size
police units for use by the Police Department. Pg. 56

g Consider Fire personnel to attend the WMD Radiological/Nuclear
Course for HazMat Technicians in Bechtel, Nevada from
August 25-29, 2003. Pgs. 57-59

h. Acknowledge grant award from the State Department of
Transportation for the Round Seven Highway Tree Grant Program
for $23,085.00. Pg. 60

i. Consider recommendation of Beautification Committee to
designate I-40 between Kickapoo & Harrison as Shawnee’s
“Centennial Grove.” Pgs. 61-66

The Oklahoma Tree Bank and the Centennial Commission are encouraging cities, schools, businesses, etc. to designate a “Centennial Grove” in their community to commemorate the Oklahoma Centennial in 2007. The Beautification Committee recommends that we identify the I-40 corridor between Kickapoo and Harrison. The City has already planted over 100 trees and 75 crapemyrtles at I-40 and Kickapoo. A $23,000 grant has been awarded to plant another 100 trees between Kickapoo and Harrison along Shawnee Mall Drive. All trees are planted between the fence and the frontage and inside the off/on ramps. Signage is under review by the Beautification Committee and will be recommended in the future.

2. City Manager’s Presentation to Employee of the Month.

3. Presentation of Shawnee Economic Development Foundation semi annual report and annual audit by Chairman Chris Clark.

4. Public hearing and consider an ordinance rezoning property located south of Wolverine on Industrial Drive from I-2, Light Industrial District to I-3, Heavy Industrial District for use as manufacturing. (Applicant: Bob Jones, SEDF) Pgs. 67-77

The Planning Commission unanimously recommends rezoning from I-2 to I-3. The applicant (SEDF) is selling a parcel and the buyer prefers that the property be zoned I-3. This request does not comply with the Comp. Plan, but staff believes that it meets the intent of the Plan. The property does not adversely impact any adjoining properties.

5. Consider preliminary plat for Orchard Addition located at the SE Corner of Bradley and Center. (Applicant: R. W. Burnley for Shared Funding LLC) Pgs. 78-80

The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat of the Orchard Addition located at Bradley and Center. It consists of 7 lots on approximately 2 ½ acres. The property is zoned R-1, and all lots conform to the zoning and subdivision regulations. The sewer line easement north of Bradley must be resolved prior to city engineering approval and connection. If it is not resolved, then alternative alignments are available. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the variance to the off-set streets being less than 150 feet, but denial of the waiving of the requirement for sidewalks.

6. Consider final plat for Woodsong Addition Section 1 located west of Bryan and north of 45th Street. (Applicant: Bryant Builders) Pgs. 81-83

The request is for approval of the Final Plat for the Woodsong Addition, Section 1. There are 42 lots on approximately 18 acres. The final plat conforms to the previously approved preliminary plat which was approved around 6 to 9 months ago. This development conforms to the Comprehensive Plan.

7. Public hearing and consider an ordinance to rezone property located at 419 North Union from C-3, Automotive & Commercial Recreation District to C-3P, Automotive & Commercial Recreation District with Conditional Use Permit to allow for the sale of beer and alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption. (Applicant: Rosario and Mario De Loera, El Rodeo Restaurant) Pgs. 84-96

The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit to sell beer and alcoholic beverages at 419 North Union. The previous restaurant sold alcoholic beverages and staff is unaware of any problems. This request conforms to the Comp Plan.

8. Consider Charter’s relocation of cable in the streetscape project area. (Deferred from the August 4, 2003 meeting) Pgs. 97-100

9. Consider a request from C-P Integrated Services, Inc. for a three per cent (3%) increase in their contract for street sweeping. Pgs. 101-102

10. Consider a request from Oasis Realty Incorporation for proposed property development. Pg. 103

11. Consider roadway easement from the City of Shawnee to Scott Premo in the amount of $600. Pgs. 104-106

Mr. Premo owns 5 acres outside the city limits on Pecan Grove Road. The most logical access point to the property would be through property acquired by the city from Mr. Premo’s grandfather approximately 50 years ago. An appraiser values the permanent easement at $600. Staff recommends granting the easement.

12. Consider a request from Daniel Shaughnessy (VideoDANS) for use of city-owned video equipment to tape the home Shawnee football games. Pgs. 107-108

13. Consider waterline projects/bids/specs for Benedict Street, near Love’s Store, Kickapoo Spur to Independence & Federal.

14. Consider staff’s recommendation regarding the SCCDA for additional amount to be added to the SMA bank note. (Deferred from the August 4, 2003 meeting) Pg. 109

The Commission has previously approved an allocation of the SMA 2001 Bank Note in the amount of $2,265,000 to fund the Expo Center multi-purpose building. There is an additional amount of approximately $378,640 needed to complete the project. Funding alternatives for this overage of $378,640 were discussed at the April 1, 2002 commission meeting. Staff’s recommendation at that time was to add to the existing $5.1 million bank loan of the Shawnee Municipal Authority to fund this. It is still the most inexpensive way of funding the loan and staff maintains its recommendation to do so. A formal agreement would be made between the SCCDA and the SMA to set up repayment terms of approximately $50,000 annually until paid, which would be less that 10 years.

15. Direct staff to determine the need and engage public support of a TIF District for east and west Main Street.

16. Consider a request from Mrs. Lynn Waters at 713 North Union to install drainage structures. Pgs. 110-111

The property owner at 713 North Union has requested the City remove the runoff that is flowing down Union Street because cars are splashing water onto her yard during rainfall events. In order to accomplish the homeowners request, drainage structures and facilities costing approximately $45,000 would be required. Staff has reviewed this request and find it not to be practical nor feasible to spend funds for the betterment of private property.

17. Consider Bids: Pgs. 112-118

a. Hydraulic Power Pack and Pump (award)
b. One 2003 ½ Ton Pickup Truck (Action Center) (award)
c. Larkins Meadow Drainage Improvements (open)

18. New Business Any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting agenda)

19. Administrative Reports

20. Citizens Participation (A five minute limit per person) (A fifteen-minute limit per topic)

21. Consider and possible action to enter into Executive Session for confidential communications with Counsel regarding pending suit entitled Raymond Vague v City of Shawnee, CIV-02-910-BA as authorized by 25 O.S. 307(B)(4).

22. Consider possible action to approve proposed settlement in Raymond Vague v City of Shawnee, CIV-02-910-BA.

23. Commissioners Comments

24. Adjournment

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