Date: 4/10/2013Board: Planning CommissionDocumentType: MinutesWeb Posted: 5/2/2013 8:13:41 AM

DATE: APRIL 10, 2013

The Planning Commission of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in the Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 1:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law. Justin Erickson, Planning Director for the City of Shawnee, and Stephanie Clary, Assistant City Planner, presented the staff reports. Staff reports are available upon request.


Upon roll call the following members were present:
Bergsten, Carter, Turner, Silvia, Prince, Salter

Not present: *Kirk Hoster

A quorum was declared present and the meeting was called to order.

*NOTE: Kirk Hoster arrived at 1:35 p.m. during Agenda Item #4.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Approval of the minutes from the March 6, 2013 Planning Commission Meeting

Chairman Turner asked for any changes, corrections or additions to the minutes. None were given. Commissioner Prince made the motion seconded by Commissioner Silvia to approve the March 6, 2013 minutes.

Motion passed:
AYE: Prince, Silvia, Bergsten, Carter, Turner, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Citizens’ Participation
(A three minute limit per person)
(A twelve minute limit per topic)

Chairman Turner opened the Citizens’ Participation and asked if anyone would like to speak. No one came forward.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Case # S013-13 Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat for Hyatt Addition Section III located at North Harrison Street, on East 45th

Applicant: Mehdi Azimi

Chairman Turner called for the staff report. Stephanie Clary presented a combined staff report for the preliminary and the final plat. The preliminary plat shows a total of 85 lots with a common area to be used for park and flood plain space. The final plat includes 41 new residential lots. Staff noted the applicant is requesting one variance for Bijan Drive which is a cul-de-sac. The plat meets all City requirements and Staff recommends approval.

Justin Erickson answered questions from the Commission. Ross Morris, representative for the applicant, came forward. He estimated construction would begin within 7 months for the infrastructure portion and at least a couple years to complete.

Chairman Turner called for motion. Commissioner Silvia made the motion to approve the Preliminary Plat. Second made by Commissioner Carter.

Motion passed:
AYE: Silvia, Carter, Bergsten, Hoster, Turner, Prince, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Case #S04-13 Consideration of approval of a final plat for Hyatt Addition Section III located at North Harrison Street, on East 45th

Applicant: Mehdi Azimi

Also included in the staff’s combined report in Agenda Item #4 was the recommendation to approve the final plat with the following conditions:

A variance of 193.53 feet for Bijan Drive to allow for a cul-de-sac to be longer than the specified code standard of 500 feet.

1. Concurrent with the Final Plat approval for future sections (not including Section III), Hyatt Road shall be improved to 42nd Street in accordance with City standards to allow public access to Harrison Street. Temporary emergency access shall be provided concurrent with Section III only if required by the Fire Marshall.
2. The proposed water line extension shall be installed as shown and include looping in accordance with requirements of the City engineer and the Shawnee Municipal Authority
3. The developer shall improve the area noted as “Common Area B” to include recreational amenities for the residents of The Hyatt Addition.
4. The commercial lot that fronts 45th Street shall be developed to include sidewalks along 45th Street concurrent with development of the lot.
5. Application for final plat approval of future phases shall include accompanied with an engineered stormwater plan detailing the design of “Common Area B”.

Chairman Turner called for motion. Commissioner Silvia made the motion to approve the Final Plat with the variance and conditions as stated in Staff report. Seconded by Commissioner Carter.

Motion passed:
AYE: Silvia, Carter, Bergsten, Hoster, Turner, Prince, Salter

AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Planning Director’s Report

Justin Erickson reported March was a busy month for single family homes with more to come before the Planning Commission in May. Staff also gave an updated report on various projects recently completed or near completion.

The City of Shawnee was successful in obtaining a $400,000 grant funding from the State for the downtown Streetscape Project.

Justin also gave a report on the Placemaking Conference held in Norman, OK on April 3,2013. The free conference, attended by Staff and several Planning Commissioners,was well attended and informative.

AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Commissioners Comments and/or New Business

Commissioner Silvia asked Justin Erickson for an update on the right-of-way signage removal which was discussed briefly at last month’s Planning Commission Meeting. Staff reported they are currently reviewing codes and rewriting the old City codes. A
draft form will be ready for Commissioners to review soon.

Chairman Turner asked for an update on the Residential Code revisions. Staff suggested the Commission discuss scheduling a workshop during the next Commission meeting on May 1.

AGENDA ITEM NO.8: Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned.

Shawna Turner, Chairman Linda Burg, Planning Commission Secretary

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