Date: 1/24/2012Board: Traffic Advisory BoardDocumentType: AgendaWeb Posted: 1/23/2012 10:58:47 AM

Traffic Board Commissioners:
Bill Johnson, Chairman
Ron Duffell
Theresa Cody
Ronald Taffe
City of Shawnee
Traffic Commission

Traffic Board Commissioners:
Deena Harris, Vice Chairman
Delbert Totty
Wayne Ardrey


January 24, 2011 AT 6:00 P.M.
Commission Chambers, City Hall

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of October 25, 2011 Minutes

IV. Consideration of Requests Received

A. Consideration of request by Carl Packwood to have security lamp installed by Canadian Valley at the intersection of Bryan and Bradley at the Northeast corner

B. Consideration of request by Woodsong Homeowners Association to have 20mph speed limit signs installed at 3 different locations in Woodsong Addition

V. Administrative Reports

VI. Citizen Participation

VII. Board Members Comments

VIII. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

E. Jill Smith

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