The Planning Commission of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in Commission Chambers, at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 1:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law. Justin Erickson, Planning Director for the City of Shawnee, presented the staff reports. Staff reports are available upon request.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Roll Call
Upon roll call the following members were present:
Jimmy Nickles, Kirk Hoster, Louis Maltos, Shawna Turner, Chris Silvia, Ben Salter
A quorum was declared present and the meeting was called to order.
Note: Brad Carter arrived at 1:35 p.m. during agenda item #4.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Approval of the minutes from the May 4, 2011 Planning Commission Meeting.
Louis Maltos asked for a motion, Commissioner Turner made a motion seconded by Commissioner Salter to approve the May 4, 2011 minutes,
AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Swear in new commissioners, Carl Holt and Taylor Prince.
Carl Holt was sworn in as Planning Commissioner. Mr. Prince was not present to swear in.
Note: Louis Maltos & Jimmy Nickles left the meeting. Shawna Turner conducted the
balance of the meeting.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of approval of a fee-in-lieu-of sidewalk construction for property located at 100 E. 45th St. Applicant: Dr. Marshall Gleckler.
Shawna Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Erickson presented the staff report.
After presenting the staff report Mr. Erickson recommended approval subject to the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall submit payment to be determined by the City of Shawnee within 30 days of the date of the Planning Commission’s decision;
2. The City of Shawnee shall issue a Final Certificate of Occupancy upon receipt of such funds; and
3. The City of Shawnee shall place payment in a separate fund used exclusively for the purposes of sidewalk improvements.
Shawna Turner opened the public hearing and asked if anyone was for or against the proposal. No one came forward.
Shawna Turner asked for a motion, Commissioner Hoster made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Carter to accept payment in lieu of building a sidewalk as outlined by staff.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Case # P07-11 – Consideration of approval of an amendment to the Legacy Park P.U.D. to change the building height from 35 feet to 48 feet for property located at 1701 Airport Rd. Applicant: Landes Engineering, LLC.
Shawna Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Erickson presented a combined staff report for the amendment, preliminary and final plats for Legacy Park Second Addition. Mr. Erickson recommended approval of the Legacy Park Second Addition Preliminary and Final plats and the PUD Amendment, subject to the following conditions:
1. Final infrastructure and site development plans shall be submitted by the applicant and approved by the City and the City Engineer prior to construction.
2. All other applicable City standards apply.
3. No other deviations from the approved PUD are approved.
4. A three-story structure up to 48 feet tall may be constructed on the subject site.
5. The two existing curb cuts located along Airport Drive shall be closed and curbed to City standards concurrent with site development.
Shawna Turner opened the public hearing and asked if anyone was for or against the proposal. Richard Landes came forward and spoke for the proposal. No one spoke against the proposal.
Shawna Turner asked for a motion, Commissioner Carter made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Silvia to approve Legacy Park Second Addition Preliminary and Final plats and the PUD Amendment, subject to the conditions as outlined by staff.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Case # S07-11& S08-11 – Consideration of approval of a preliminary & final plat for Legacy Park Second Addition located east side of Airport Rd. south of Saratoga. Applicant: Landes Engineering, LLC.
Approved with Agenda Item #5.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Case # P08-11 – Consideration of approval to rezone property located at 1905 N. Bryan from R-1 & A-1 to a Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.). Applicant: Landes Engineering, LLC.
Shawna Turner asked for the staff report. Justin Erickson presented a combined staff report for the rezoning, preliminary and final plats for Primrose Addition. After presenting the staff report, Mr. Erickson recommended that the Planning Commission defer action on the Primrose Addition Final Plat until the July 6 regular meeting and recommended approval of the Primrose Addition PUD and Preliminary Plat, subject to the following conditions:
1. The three existing curb cuts along the Bryan Street shall be closed and curbed, in accordance with City standards concurrent with site development.
2. In accordance with the Shawnee Zoning Code, screening is required along the northern and eastern property lines.
3. The proposed sidewalks shown on the submitted site plan/preliminary plat shall be constructed along Bryan Street and Bradley Street.
4. A maximum building height of 51 feet is allowed for the main structure. Villa (townhouse/duplex) units shall not exceed 35 feet in height.
5. A detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted prior to building permit issuance.
6. A reduction in the number of required parking spaces is hereby approved, provided that a minimum of 87 spaces are constructed excluding the villa units.
7. All other applicable City standards apply.
8. All existing water wells shall be decommissioned as required in accordance with City code and State law.
9. All exterior lighting shall be oriented and shielded to prevent “light trespass” onto adjacent residential properties.
10. Unless otherwise conditioned by the City, all development shall be consistent with the Primrose Retirement Community Master Plan prepared by Landes Engineering and dated May 2011. Site design shall be substantially similar to submitted drawings, details, photographs and renderings.
Shawna Turner opened the public hearing and asked if anyone was for the proposal. Richard Landes came forward in favor of the proposal and answered questions from the commission. Mr. Jim Thores, founder of Primrose Retirement Communities, also came forward in favor of the proposal.
Shawna Turner asked if anyone was against the proposal no one came forward.
Shawna Turner asked for a motion, Commissioner Silvia made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hoster to defer the final plat until the July 6 regular meeting and
approve the Primrose Addition PUD and Preliminary Plat, subject to the conditions as outlined by staff.
Motion carried:
AYE: Silvia, Hoster, Carter, Turner, Holt, Salter
NAY: None
AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Case # S05-11 – Consideration of approval of a preliminary plat for Primrose Addition located at the NE corner of Bryan & Bradley. Applicant: Landes Engineering, LLC.
Approved with Agenda Item 7.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Case # S06-11 – Consideration of approval of a final plat for Primrose Addition located at the NE corner of Bryan & Bradley. Applicant: Landes Engineering, LLC.
Deferred to July 7, 2011 meeting.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Discuss and consider a recommendation to the City Commission concerning the “Bring It Home” project and adoption of the International Energy Conservation Code.
After a lengthy discussion, Shawna Turner asked for a motion, Commissioner Silvia made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Carter to recommend the City participate in the “Bring it Home Project” on a voluntary basis only.
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