JULY 6, 2010 AT 6:30 P.M.
The Board of City Commissioners of the City of Shawnee, County of Pottawatomie, State of Oklahoma, met in Regular Session in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 9th and Broadway, Shawnee, Oklahoma, Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 6:30 p.m., pursuant to notice duly posted as prescribed by law. Mayor Peterson presided and called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following members were in attendance.
Linda Peterson
Pamela Stephens Frank Sims
Commissioner Ward 1 Commissioner Ward 2 – Vice Mayor
James Harrod Billy Collier
Commissioner Ward 3 Commissioner Ward 4
John Winterringer Carl Holt
Commissioner Ward 5 Commissioner Ward 6
INVOCATION Reverend David Henry
Calvary Baptist Church
AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Consider approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Commissioner Harrod, seconded by Vice Mayor Sims, to approve agenda. Motion carried 7-0.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consider approval of Consent Agenda
a. Acknowledge staff will proceed in the instant meeting with the opening and consideration of bids as set forth in Agenda Item Number 5a.
b. Minutes from the June 21, 2010 meeting.
c. Acknowledge the following minutes:
• Downtown Shawnee Inc. minutes from May 27, 2010
d. Lake Site Lease Renewals:
• Lot 8 Renfro Tract, 15809 Sleepy Hollow
N. Powell
• Lot 3 Mosler Tract, 16404 Archery Range Road
L. Cowen
• Lot 23 Johnston Tract, 16504 Stevens Road
R. Rose
• Access to lake only from Lot G South School (Not School Property), 31950 Lake Road
C. Akerman and J. Akerman
• Lot 14/15 Johnston Tract, 16618 Stevens Road
T. Howard
• Lot 1 Coffman Tract, 15407 Perry Road
S. Mills and J. Mills
• Lot 1 Damron Tract, 33701 Belcher Road
L. Smith and B. Smith
• Lot 3 Roewe Tract, 15515 Perry Road
E. Moore and S. Moore
• Lot 10/11 Eckel Tract, 15111 Eckel Road
Simco Investments LTD
• Lot 2 Mosler Tract, 16300 Archery Range Road
S. Malaske and B. Malaske
• Lot 14 Belcher Tract, 33202 Post Office Neck
M. Bertram and A. Bertram
• Lots 1 & 2 Eckel Tract, 15306 Eckel Road
J. Inda and P. Inda
• Lot B Eckel Tract, 15209 Turtle Bay
M. Leatherwood and M. Leatherwood
• Lot 12 Damron Tract, 15512 Highway 102
J. Knox and M. Garner
• Lot 2 Coffman Tract, 15405 Perry Road
J. Vrana and B. Vrana
• Lot 3 Coffman Tract, 15403 Perry Road
C. Moore and M. Moore
• Lot 1A Mosler Tract, 33001 Lake Road
Shawnee Home Builders
• Lot 3 Johnston Tract, 16808 Magnino Road
L. Cox
• Lot 17 Johnston Tract, 16612 Stevens Road
Lakeshore Lodge
e. Approve appointment of James Bryce, Interim Director of Operations, as City of Shawnee representative to the Wes Watkins Reservoir Oversight Committee.
f. Approve August 12, 2010, as commission/department head retreat.
g. Approve nomination order with ONEOK Energy Marketing Company for natural gas purchase.
h. Authorize staff to advertise for bids for storm damage debris pickup at Shawnee Twin Lakes.
i. Acknowledge appointment of Cynthia Sementelli, Finance Director, as City Treasurer.
j. Acknowledge receipt of DEQ Permit No. WL000063100387 for construction of 546 linear feet of six inch PVC waterline to serve the Golden Acres Cottages.
k. Acknowledge receipt of DEQ Permit No. SL000063100388 for construction of 250 linear feet of eight inch DIP SDR-35 sanitary sewer line to serve the Golden Acres Cottages.
Vice Mayor Sims requested that consent agenda item (d) be pulled for separate consideration. Mayor Peterson also requested consent agenda item (h) be considered separately.
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Sims, seconded by Commissioner Collier, to approve the balance of the consent agenda, less items (d) and (h). Motion carried 7-0.
Vice Mayor Sims asked to discuss item (d) to explain that he would be abstaining on the vote regarding the lake leases due to his lake lease being among those being considered for renewal.
A motion was made by Commissioner Harrod, seconded by Commissioner Collier, to approve item (d) lake lease renewals. Motion carried 6-0-1.
Mayor Peterson asked Emergency Management Director Don Lynch
the status of the debris clean up at Shawnee Twin Lakes and within the City. Mr. Lynch outlined the events that had transpired since the May 10 – 13, 2010 storm damage. Since the area has now received a Presidential declaration the process of clean-up can begin. Bid specifications are being prepared and would be opened at the July 19th City Commission meeting. The clean-up of debris inside the City came in under the cost threshold, however, the lake area cleanup will be a substantially larger project. Mr. Lynch further explained that FEMA has recently changed their policy which will allow for the solicitation of bids prior to an actual emergency. This policy change will expedite the response time once an official Presidential emergency declaration has been received.
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Sims, seconded by Commissioner Holt, to approve consent agenda item (h). Motion carried 7-0.
Mr. James Graham, 30 E. Severn, came before the Commission to discuss flooding issues at his residence. Mr. Graham noted that he had been before the Commission on two other occasions regarding the same issue. Mr. Graham stated that 13 years ago the City of Shawnee made changes affecting the flow of water downstream from his residence, which he feels is the cause of the flooding in his area. He further listed problems that had occurred at his property, and that of his neighbors, due to flooding issues. He requested that the City take action to correct this issue in a timely manner and indicated that he would seek legal action if necessary.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 City Manager’s presentation of employee of the Month to Karen Drain.
City Manager Brian McDougal presented Karen Drain, Planning Department Secretary, with the July employee of the month plaque and certificate. Ms. Drain was present to accept.
ITEM NO. 5: Consider Bids
a. Sidewalk/Trail on MacArthur from Leo to Timbers Contract No. COS-PW-08-01, Project No. STP163E(176)EH, State Job Piece No. 22;603(04).
Assistant City Engineer Michael Ludi stated that nine bids had been received and after review and reference checks, staff recommends that the bid be awarded to Rudy Construction Company in the amount of $162,513.00 as the lowest and best bid.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stephens, seconded by Vice Mayor Sims, to approve staff’s recommendation to award the bid to Rudy Construction in the amount of $162,513.00. Motion carried 7-0.
Community Development Director Justin Erickson announced the next Regional Park meeting, which is open to the public, is scheduled for Tuesday, July 13th at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be televised and Mr. Erickson expects there will be one more public meeting in August.
Interim Director of Operations James Bryce stated that the 4th of July boat parade at Shawnee Twin Lakes was cancelled due to the weather. He noted that the Veteran’s parade was held, although the flag ceremony at Woodland Veterans’ Park was postponed until Saturday, July 10th at 9:00 a.m.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Commissioners Comments
Commissioner Harrod asked Justin Erickson about a building on Main Street that was previously used as a music and concert venue. Mr. Erickson stated that a church was now utilizing the building and was making some changes and had obtained the proper permits through the Planning Department.
Mayor Peterson requested that the City Engineer report back at the July 19th City Commission meeting regarding the overall plan for storm water run-off and drainage within the City.
Commissioner Winterringer asked for an update regarding the Kickapoo Street project. City Attorney John Canavan responded that all rights-of-way had been acquired.
AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjournment
There being no other business to come before the Commission, a motion was made by Commissioner Harrod, seconded by Commissioner Winterringer, to adjourn. Motion carried 7-0. (7:02 p.m.)
Linda Peterson, Mayor
Phyllis Loftis, City Clerk
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