NOVEMBER 2, 2009 AT 6:30 P.M.
1. Consider approval of Agenda:
2. Consider approval of Consent Agenda:
a. Acknowledge staff will proceed in the instant meeting with the opening and consideration of bids as set forth in Agenda Item Number 12.
b. Minutes from the October 19, 2009 meeting
c. Transfer of Appropriation – FY 2009-2010 General Fund
To adjust salary line item budgets for compensated absences leave which were paid to former employees in July, August and September 2009
d. Acknowledge the following minutes and reports:
• Shawnee Civic and Cultural Development Authority minutes from September 17, 2009
• Sister City Council minutes from September 8, 2009
• Project Payment report September 1-30, 2009
• License Payment report September 1-30, 2009
• Traffic Commission minutes from July 28, 2009
e. Acknowledge Annual Audit of Pioneer Library System for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2009
f. Mayor’s Appointments:
Shawnee Hospital Authority
Mark Finley Term to expire 12/31/15
Kathy Laster, Ph. D. Term to expire 12/31/15
Stephen Trotter, M.D. Term to expire 12/31/15
g. Approve Mayor’s recommendation to appoint Commissioner James Harrod and City Manager Brian McDougal to the Central Oklahoma Economic Developoment District board.
h. Acknowledge Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund refund of contributions from the Defined Contribution plan for Tighe Cooper.
i. Acknowledge Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund refund of contributions from the Defined Contribution plan for Kyla Winchester.
j. Acknowledge Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund refund of contributions from the Defined Contribution plan for Dennis Kreutzer.
k. Traffic Commission Recommendations:
A. Consideration of request from Roger Klaus and John Winterringer, Post Office Box 1809, Shawnee, OK, to install deer crossing signs at:
(1) Each end of Elm Street (at Elm and Independence and Elm and Bradley); and
(2) Corner of Bryan and Bradley.
BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Board recommends to deny both (1) and (2) due to no one present for request.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommended to approve request (1) and deny request (2).
B. Consideration of request from Carol and Douglas Shoemaker, 420 South Leo, Shawnee, OK, to request OG&E to install a street light on the pole by their driveway at 420 South Leo and for the City of Shawnee to pay for the monthly electrical charges.
BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Board recommends to deny request.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommended to deny request.
C. Consideration of request from Delbert Totty, 609 West Poplar, Shawnee, OK, to provide lane indications for exiting and entering into City Public Works building.
BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Board recommends to deny request.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommended to deny request.
D. Consideration of request from Delbert Totty, 609 West Poplar, Shawnee, OK, to provide left turn lanes at unmarked entrances to mall from access road.
BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Board recommends to deny request.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommended to deny request.
E. Consideration of request from Delbert Totty, 609 West Poplar, Shawnee, OK, to initiate no left turn at:
(1) Union and Highland, east/west bound only;
(2) Beard and Highland, east/west bound only; and
(3) Broadway and Highland, east/west bound only.
BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Board recommends to deny request.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommended to deny request.
F. Consideration of request from Delbert Totty, 609 West Poplar, Shawnee, OK, to install no u-turn or no left turn sign at Poplar and Kickapoo (southbound side).
BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Board recommends to approve request to install a no u-turn sign on Kickapoo at Poplar southbound.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommended to approve request to install a no u-turn sign on Kickapoo at Poplar southbound.
G. Consideration of request from Staff for approval of the 2010 Calendar Year Schedule of Regular Meetings for the Traffic Commission.
BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Board recommends to approve request.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommended to approve request.
3. Citizens Participation (A three minute limit per person)
(A twelve minute limit per topic)
4. Mayor’s Proclamations:
"Veteran’s Day”
November 11
5. Presentation on Safe Community Designation.
6. Consider Professional Services Agreement between the City of Shawnee (Shawnee Regional Airport) and the Central Oklahoma Economic Development District for EDA Project Number 08-01-04405 grant administration.
7. Consider Short Term Surface Commercial/Residential Lease Contract with the State Commissioners of the Land Office for land within the North and South School Tracts at Shawnee Lake No.1.
8. Consider Memorandum of Understanding between the State Commissioners of the Land Office and the City of Shawnee for land within the North and South School Tracts at Shawnee Lake No.1.
9. Discussion and consideration of establishing a Citizens Advisory Committee.
10. Consider a resolution declaring certain city property held by the Shawnee Police Department surplus and authorizing public sale or transfer of said property to another law enforcement agency.
11. Consider letters of support to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Native American Housing Services, Inc., and the Faith 7 Activity Center as requested by Michael Little, Westchester Building Systems.
12. Consider Bids:
a. Lease/Purchase One 84HP Tractor/Loader/Backhoe (with Alternate Trade-in) (Award) and approve Appropriation of Beginning Balance – Cemetery Prepetual Fund 702 in the amount of $5,000 to cover cost not budgeted
b. City Hall Emergency Generator Replacement (Open)
c. Digester Cleaning at Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant (Open)
13. New Business (Any matter not known about or
which could not have been reasonably
foreseen prior to the posting of the
14. Administrative Reports
15. Consideration and possible action to enter into an Executive Session to discuss pending litigation entitled City of Shawnee v. Holloway, Updike & Bellen, et al, Case number CJ-06-236, District Court, Pottawatomie County, pursuant to 25 O.S. §307 (B)(4) on recommendation of counsel.
16. Consider matters discussed in Executive Session to regarding pending litigation entitled City of Shawnee v. Holloway, Updike & Bellen, et al, Case number CJ-06-236, District Court, Pottawatomie County, pursuant to 25 O.S. §307 (B)(4) on recommendation of counsel.
NOVEMBER 2, 2009 AT 6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Declaration of a Quorum
3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda
a. Minutes from the October19, 2009 meeting.
b. Confirm action taken by City Commission on Agenda Item Number 6 regarding approval of Professional Services Agreement between the City of Shawnee (Shawnee Regional Airport) and the Central Oklahoma Economic Development District for EDA Project Number 08-01-04405 grant administration.
NOVEMBER 2, 2009 AT 6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Declaration of a Quorum
3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda
a. Minutes from the October 19, 2009 meeting.
b. Confirm action taken on City Commission Agenda Item Number 12-c regarding Digester Cleaning at Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant bid opening.
c. Confirm action taken on City Commission Agenda Item Number 16 matters discussed in Executive Session to regarding pending litigation entitled City of Shawnee v. Holloway, Updike & Bellen, et al, Case number CJ-06-236, District Court, Pottawatomie County, pursuant to 25 O.S. §307 (B)(4) on recommendation of counsel.
4. Administrative Reports
5. New Business
6. Adjournment
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Loftis
Authority Secretary
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