MARCH 3, 2008 AT 6:30 P.M.
1. Consider approval of Agenda:
2. Consider approval of Consent Agenda:
a. Acknowledge staff will proceed in the instant meeting with the opening and consideration of bids as set forth in Agenda Item
No. 22.
b. Minutes from the February 19, 2008 meeting.
c. Supplemental Budget Amendment and Appropriation of Budget to the General Fund.
d. Transfer of Appropriations between departments in the General Fund.
e. Appropriation of Beginning Fund Balance in the General Fund.
f. Supplemental Budget Amendment and Appropriation of Budget for Shawnee Airport Authority.
g. Appropriation of Beginning Fund Balance for Capital Improvements Fund and Supplemental Budget Amendment and Appropriation of Budget for Shawnee Airport Authority.
h. Supplemental Budget Amendment and Appropriation of Budget for Shawnee Airport Authority.
i. Supplemental budget Amendment and Appropriation of Budget for Capital Improvements Fund.
j. Appropriation of Beginning Fund Balance Economic Development Fund.
k. Transfer of Budget within a Department for Shawnee Municipal Authority.
l. Transfer of Budget between Departments for Shawnee Municipal Authority.
m. Acknowledge the following reports and minutes:
• Planning Commission minutes from February 6, 2008
• Beautification Committee minutes from January 7, 2008
• Sister Cities Council minutes from November 13, 2007 and January 15, 2008
• Airport Advisory Board minutes from January 16, 2008
• Shawnee Civic and Cultural Development Authority minutes from January 17, 2008 and January 28, 2008
n. Acknowledge refund of Municipal Retirement Fund contributions from the Defined Contribution plan for Mathew Collins, Jake McGehee, Freddie Mike Stone, and Pedro Vega.
o. Acknowledge resignation letter of Dr. David Hadley from the Planning Commission.(Term to expire 06/01/08)
p. Authorize staff to purchase bunker gear on county bid for the Fire Department.
q. Authorize staff to utilize the county bid to purchase a digital logging recorder for 9-1-1 public safety answering point.
r. Consider Amendment Number 2 to the LBR contract dated September 18, 2007, for the performance of a Preliminary Engineering Report for the Parallel Taxiway and Runway Rehab projects at the Shawnee Regional Airport.
3. Citizens Participation (A three minute limit per person)
(A twelve minute limit per topic)
4. Mayor’s Proclamations and Presentations:
“National Red Cross Month”
March 2008
“Community Development Week”
March 24 – March 30, 2008
5. City Manager’s Presentation to Employee of the Month, Mike Murrell with the South Side Waste Water Treatment Plant.
6. Consider appraisal by Jerry Jones of real property for skate park location on Center Street north of Kid Space Park.
7. Consider an agreement between the City of Shawnee and the Shawnee YMCA for the construction of parking lot improvements.
8. Consider approval of the preliminary plat of Vanguard Stimulation Services located at 41500 Wolverine Road. (Applicant: Carroll Newman)
9. Consider approval of the final plat of Vanguard Stimulation Services located at 41500 Wolverine Road. (Applicant: Carroll Newman)
10. Consider approval of the preliminary plat of the Villagio located on North Kickapoo south of 39th Street. (Applicant: Bodard Trust)
11. Consider approval of the final plat of the Villagio located on North Kickapoo south of 39th Street. (Applicant: Bodard Trust)
12. Consider acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer improvements installed for Phase I of the Villagio Development, and placing maintenance bonds into effect.
13. Consider acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer improvements installed for the ROSS Store Development located at the Shawnee Mall, and placing maintenance bonds into effect.
14. Consider acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer improvements installed for the Faith 7 Housing Project, and placing maintenance bonds into effect.
15. Discuss and consider staff recommendation on municipal pool assessment and design proposal.
16. Consider an ordinance increasing the amount the City Manager can contract for without Commission approval to $25,000.00.
17. Consider re-instatement of the Fire Marshal position with the Shawnee Fire Department.
18. Consider change order for skid load for the Shawnee Fire Department.
19. Consider a resolution declaring a 1982 GMC truck surplus and transferring from City of Shawnee to the Shawnee Civic and Cultural Development Authority.
20. Update by Crawford and Associates regarding financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2007.
21. Presentation of the City of Shawnee draft of Audited Financial Statements for the year ended June 30, 2007 by Murrell, Hall, McIntosh and Company, PLLP, Certified Public Accountants.
22. Consider Bids:
a. ODOT Tree Grant Proposal (Award)
b. Westech Road Widening Project (Award)
c. Municipal Auditorium Fire Sprinkler and Alarm System (Award)
d. Market Research Analysis Proposal (Open)
23. Appropriation of Beginning Fund Balance in the Capital Improvement Fund.
24. New Business (Any matter not known about or
which could not have been reasonably
foreseen prior to the posting of the
MARCH 3, 2008 AT 6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Declaration of a Quorum
3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda
a. Minutes from the February 19, 2008 meeting. Pgs 1-3
b. Confirm action taken by the City Commission on Agenda Item No. 2-f regarding Supplemental Budget Amendment and Appropriation of Budget for Shawnee Airport Authority.
c. Confirm action taken by the City Commission on Agenda Item No. 2-g regarding Supplemental Budget Amendment and Appropriation of Budget for Shawnee Airport Authority.
d. Confirm action taken by the City Commission on Agenda Item No. 2-h regarding Supplemental Budget Amendment and Appropriation of Budget for Shawnee Airport Authority.
e. Confirm action taken by the City Commission on Agenda Item
No. 2-r regarding Amendment Number 2 to the LBR contract dated September 18, 2007, for the performance of a Preliminary Engineering Report for the Parallel Taxiway and Runway Rehab projects at the Shawnee Regional Airport.
MARCH 3, 2008 AT 6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Declaration of a Quorum
3. Consider approval of Consent Agenda
a. Minutes of February 19, 2008 meeting. Pgs. 1-2
b. Confirm action taken by the City Commission on Agenda Item
No. 2-k regarding Transfer of Budget within a Department for the Shawnee Municipal Authority.
c. Confirm action taken by the City Commission on Agenda Item
No. 2-l regarding Transfer of Budget between Departments for the Shawnee Municipal Authority.
4. Administrative Reports
5. New Business
6. Adjournment
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Loftis
Authority Secretary
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